
The Study of Q Method to Explore the Types of Career Choice Motivation for Entrepreneurs -Take the Internet-based Business as an Example




Hung-Ju Chen;Jenn Tang;De-Piao Tang


Internet-based business ; Entrepreneur ; Career choice ; Q sort




46卷2期(2021 / 06 / 01)


1 - 32




Early research in the field of psychology explored the kinds of personality traits that determine the likelihood of a person becoming an entrepreneur. We study these subjective and objective factors in regard to both internally-motivated and externally-motivated individuals. We focus on internet-based businesses to analyze the differences that arise, given an entrepreneur's personal professional values and various types of career choice motivations. Since our exploration has both qualitative and quantitative features, we employ the Q research method. The results of our study reveal four types of motivation that drive entrepreneurs to start a business on the internet: "peer impact," "dream challenge," "influence society," and "self-practice". Our analysis and interpretation provide insights that can be used as a basis for introspection for people who wish to develop an internet-based business career. Our findings can also assist public or private sector human resource agencies to promote business reference development.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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