


The Relationship of Tour Image, Perceived Value, Service Quality and Perceived Risk with Post-Tour Behavioral Intention-A Case Study on West Lake Resortopia in Miaoli County




蘇瑞蓮(Jui-Line Su);金喆(Chieh Chin)


旅遊意象 ; 知覺價值 ; 服務品質 ; 行為意圖 ; Travel Image ; Perceived Value ; Service Quality ; Behavioral Intention




5卷1期(2008 / 06 / 01)


181 - 200




自民國九十年政府開始全面實施週休二日制,國人的閒暇時間增加,休閒活動也逐漸成為生活中舉足輕重的角色。本文主要目的在探討遊客對渡假村旅遊意象、服務品質、知覺價值、知覺風險以及遊後行為意圖之間的關係。以苗栗縣西湖渡假村的遊客為受測對象,再利用結構方程模式(Structure Equation Modeling)來探討前述變數的互動關係。研究結果發現:(1)旅遊意象對知覺價值及服務品質呈正向顯著影響關係,但對知覺風險卻無顯著影響。(2)知覺風險對知覺價值呈負向影響關係。(3)服務品質對知覺價值呈正向影響關係。(4)知覺價值對遊後行為意圖呈正向影響關係。(5)知覺風險及服務品質對遊後行為意圖並無顯著影響關係。本研究並針對研究結果提出相關建議供業者做為行銷策略之參考。


Ever since the implementation of ”Two-Day Weekend” policy in 2001 by government, the increase of leisure time for nationals of Taiwan has thus heightened people's awareness over the decisive role played by leisure activities in their daily life. This text aims to probe into the relationship of tour image, service quality, perceived value, and perceived risk of resort with tourists' post-tour behavioral intention. Taking tourists visiting West Lake Resortopia in Miaoli County as the subject of empirical study, this research used Structure Equation Modeling to explore the interactions between the preceding variables, Findings of this research indicated that: (1) Tour image showed significant positive relationship with perceived value and service quality, but presented no significant correlations with perceived risk; (2) It showed negative relationship between perceived risk and perceived value; (3) It revealed positive relationship between service quality and perceived value; (4) It presented positive relationship between perceived value and post-tour behavioral intention; and (5) Perceived risk and service quality showed no significant relationship with post-tour behavioral intention. This research further put forward suggestions based on the research findings to offer tourism traders reference on marketing strategies.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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