


The Belief and Practice of Using Story in Teaching English among ChungHua County Teachers




郎亞琴(Ya-Chin Lang);謝美雲(Mei-Yun Hsieh)


國小英語教師 ; 故事教學 ; 教學信念 ; 課堂運用 ; Elementary English Teachers ; Storytelling ; Teaching Belief ; Classroom Practices




5卷2期_上(2008 / 12 / 01)


67 - 84






The purpose of the study aims to explore English teachers' belief toward the integrative use of story books into English teaching and their practice. English teachers' belief is surveyed in terms of three roles of story books in English teaching and learning: teaching efficiency, classroom dynamics and language learning. Their practice of using story books in class is also explored, including the preparation and implementation of story books. It is hoped that the study will promote more active, motivating and inspiring teaching in English education. According to the results, the major findings are as below: (1)Most teachers believe that story books are effective in increasing teaching efficiency, activating classroom dynamics and enhancing students' language learning. (2) There were significant differences caused by years of teaching in elementary schools variables on teachers' attitude about the integrative use of story books into English teaching. (3) More than 90% teachers use story books in their teaching, and they often combine storybooks with festival programs. It is hoped that the findings will enhance teachers' knowledge about the power of story books, and they can design appropriate curriculum programs by adding storybooks for their students in order to enhance their learning motivation and language learning.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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