


A Sampling Analysis for the Examining Abilities to Composition of Senior High School Students-Taking the Defects as the Main Conferring Areas




林素珍(Sul-Jen Lin)


作文審題能力 ; 新型作文題 ; 閱讀能力 ; 作文能力 ; 作文教學 ; the Examining Abilities to composition ; New Type Composition ; Reading Ability ; Composition Ability ; Teaching Composition




5卷2期_上(2008 / 12 / 01)


97 - 114




審題是作文的第一要件,無論教師的教學或學生的學習都不可忽視此一重要環節。本研究以作文審題所犯的缺失為主要探討範圍,運用分析、歸納、統計、比較等方法,探討北、中、南、東、外島等地區16所高中,34個二年級的班級,共1219名學生在新型作文題,包括短文及長文審題方面的資料。得知:在短文方面審題的缺失有:取材不當、任意添加情節、立意過泛、字數不符、人稱有誤等;在長文方面審題的缺失有:未依規定選擇題目作答、誤抄題目、未抄題目、以錯誤的表現手法行文等。 至於教學建議事項可從以下兩個方向著手:1、就近程而言:計有建立新型作文題庫、採分組討論的方式進行審題、引導學生徹底改正審題方面的缺失等;2、就遠程而言:計有加強學生的閱讀能力、教導學生有效率的閱讀策略等。


The examination of topic is the most important no matter for the teachers or the students. In this research, it take the defects as the main conferring areas and a sample of new type compositions include the north, the middle, the south, the east, external island, etc, 16 senior schools, 34 classes of 2(superscript nd) grade, amounts to 1219 students. Include such data as the short essay and the long essay about the topic examination. And gained the following conclusions: There are many defects in short essays; obtain materials unsuitable, add plot arbitrarily, use wrong number of words, and misuse wrong persons. There are many defects in long essays as well; break the rule to choose the subject, transcribe the title incorrectly, lose the title, and write with a wrong idiosyncrasy. As for the improving suggestion of teaching as follows: For a short range (1) establish a new type composition topic pool. (2) examine the topic by a way of group discussion. (3) guide the students a rational change to correct the defects. For a long range (1) strengthen the student's reading abilities. (2) teach them to read effectively, etc.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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