


A Preliminary Examination of Stephen Owen's Interpretation of T'ang Poetry




王萬象(Wan-Hsiang Wang)


宇文所安 ; 比較詩學 ; 唐詩詮釋 ; 文際互典 ; 詮釋學 ; Stephen Owen ; comparative poetics ; Interpretation of Tang poetry ; intertextuality ; Hermenutics




6卷1期(2009 / 06 / 01)


143 - 169




宇文所安(Stephen Owen, 1946-)於1968 年完成耶魯大學文學士,1972年他以博士論文《韓愈與孟郊的詩》,獲頒耶魯大學東亞系哲學博士,隨即任教於耶魯大學東亞系達十年之久,1982年應聘哈佛大學,任教於東亞系和比較文學系,現為詹姆斯•布萊恩特•柯南德大學教授(James Bryant Conant University Professor)。宇文所安主要研究中國古典詩及文學理論,特別是在唐代詩史的研究方面,已出版唐詩研究專著五種與數十篇論文,極受北美漢學界與中國大陸推重,可說是首屈一指的第三代美國漢學家。近些年來,宇文之學術影響力正與日俱增,然對其唐詩的詮釋尚無一全面之評估,僅見散篇短論,故值得我們深入探究其研究貢獻與侷限,以為中西詩學對話的參照互識。宇文氏的唐詩研究可謂獨樹一幟,其特殊視角和批評理論已引起學界的注意,在分析鑑賞時頗能兼顧中西詩學傳統,其研究成果斐然貢獻至鉅,而其唐詩研究方法亦值得我們借鏡。宇文氏的學術視野非常寬廣宏大,他那種跨文化、跨學科與跨時代的研究取向富於啟發性,而其中國古典詩的研究特色在於他敏銳的觀察能力、合理的懷疑精神、有力的邏輯推理、豐富的審美聯想,以及打破積非成是的傳統觀念,彌綸羣說而能自成一家之言。本文將探討下列議題:(一)前言:中西詩學的對話;(二)宇文所安其人其書;(三)宇文所安的唐詩研究發微;(四)宇文所安的唐詩詮釋理論及其實踐;(五)結論:宇文所安的貢獻及其限制。


This study aims to introduce and evaluate Professor Owen's overall achievements in North-American Sinological circle. Professor Owen has attempted to seek common poetics and preserve the cultural differences, and I believe this is what he could ever have offered a heterogeneous dialogue and a broader view to the study of comparative poetics. First of all, this study will discuss classical Chinese poetry in the context of comparative poetics, and investigate how Stephen Owen read and interpreted classical Chinese poetry in the West. Secondly, it will analyze the strength and weakness of Professor Owen's interpretation of classical Chinese poetry, including his translations and commentaries of classical Chinese poetry. Thirdly, the significances of these publications in the north-American Sino-logical circle and its influences on Chinese hermeneutic communities across the Taiwan Strait will be my major concern in this study. Finally, I will demonstrate how Professor Owen's mutual illumination of Chinese-Western poetics appropriate and successful is, when he adopts western theories to analyze classical Chinese poetry.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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