


The Study on Chinese Learning of New Immigrants




余佩璇(Pei-Hsuan Yu);張郁函(Yu-Han Chang)


新移民 ; 華語學習 ; 質性研究 ; New Immigrants ; Chinese learning ; Qualitative research




6卷1期(2009 / 06 / 01)


207 - 222




根據內政部移民署(2009)的統計資料,截至2009年1月底,在台的外籍及大陸港澳配偶人數已達41.1萬,成為台灣的新住民。這些新移民們初至台灣,由於語言隔閡之故,在生活方面經常產生了溝通阻礙,也因此,語言能力問題是她們來台之後所要面對的首要課題。 本研究以高雄縣美濃鎮「來去移民華語高級班」的學員為研究對象,共計九位。研究目的除了調查新移民的學習動機之外,並且也探討新移民在課堂上以及課堂外的學習概況。本研究一共採取訪談法、參與觀察法、課堂日誌及田野筆記等研究方法。訪談的主要目的為瞭解新移民學習者學習華語的目的以及課外的學習情形,而參與觀察則旨在探討移民在課堂上的學習狀況。 研究發現,新移民的學習動機主要有為了要適應生活上的需求、滿足工作上的需求以及提升孩子的教養能力。而新移民在課堂上的出席狀況良好,且學習認真,十分重視華語課程;此外,在課堂中成員們樂於彼此互相分享學習心得。在課堂後學員們善用各項學習資源,譬如上圖書館借閱書籍、閱讀書報或是使用字典等;另外,孩子在新移民學習華語的過程中也扮演了重要的角色。最後,透過華語學習,學習者的華語不僅進步,並且也提升了自信心,勇於開口說話,拓展了人際關係。


According to the statistics of National Immigration Agency (2009), the number of foreign and China spouses has reached four hundred and ten thousand by January of 2009. When these new immigrants first came to Taiwan, they often have difficulties communicating with other people due to the language barrier; therefore, language problem is the first challenge they need overcome after they come to Taiwan. The participants of this research were the nine students of the ”Lai-Qu Immigrants Chinese Class- Advanced Level”. The purpose of the research was to investigate the learning motives and the learning conditions both in the class and after the class. The data was collected through interview, observation, classroom journal and field notes. The interview method was used to understand the immigrants' purpose of learning Chinese and the learning conditions at home while the observation method was used to investigate the learning situations in the class. According to the findings of the research, the new immigrant's motives of the learning Chinese include the needs for adapting to the life, adapting to the work and educating children. They maintained a good attendance record and showed positive attitude in Chinese study. In addition, the students were willing to share learning with peers. After the class, the new immigrants made good use of other learning resources, such as borrowing the books from the library, reading newspaper or using dictionaries. What is more, the research found that children played an important role in the process of new immigrants' learning process. Last but not least, researchers found that immigrants not just improved their Chinese ability during learning, they also became more confident on expressing themselves, and thus developed better relationships with people.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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