The failure of reading comprehension is the result of many reasons, including reader's lack of schema, insufficient information of the reading materials, and meta-cognition. Moreover, it also is because that reader's understanding and pre-knowledge are different from the meaning of the materials. The learning transference is a complicated process, which is affected by many factors and through this process more and more knowledge is gained and continuingly transformed to personal ability. In order to improve the learning transference of Chinese language, one has to derive new knowledge from the old and to highlight the connection between these two sorts of knowledge. Concerning the common factors, for instance, the reading strategy, of these two sorts of knowledge, the more we address these factors and the more they are, the easier it is to transfer our learning.
Based on four Indonesian overseas students as case-study, this research takes the approach of reading comprehension and learning transference to investigate first year students' process of understanding, reading strategy, factors which will affect the understanding, and the transcription of pronounce. The empirical study is carried out via practical teaching and learning, observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentary analysis. Two things are therefore suggested, first, the learner-centric teaching and learning should give weight to learners' pre-knowledge; second, it is important for the improvement of learning transference to emphasize the guide to reading strategy and to characteristics of Chinese. The reading strategy has to be seen as one essential part of teaching. It is not until the learner has a good command of reading understanding, knows well about 'how to read Chinese', and can read independently, that one can learn other knowledge by reading.
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