


Integration of Chinese Classical Texts Interpretation to College General Education: Taoist Perspective of the Modern World




高瑞惠(Ruey-Huey Kao)


大學通識教育課程 ; 經典詮釋 ; 道家思維 ; 現代世界 ; college general education ; interpretation of Chinese classical texts ; Taoist thought ; the modern world




6卷2期(2009 / 12 / 01)


231 - 259




在大學通識課程中推動經典教育,近年來蔚為風潮,其必要性與可實施性成為學者關心的課題。本文試圖在大學通識課程詮釋經典,以「從道家思維看現代世界」為例,解說:老、莊是先秦哲學家,思想創見卓然獨存,前者以無為-自然-道為宗,後者以心齋-齊物-逍遙為旨,喻示理想的生命境界,可說是永恆哲學,給予每個時代讀者,不同的理解與心靈世界建構。 教學方式,首先,師生一起參與經典中的時代、思想世界,將經典的價值理念與讀者的生活情境、體驗相印證。其次以角色扮演方式,重現經典的思想世界與人物行誼,體知其中苦與樂,以磨練生存能力,培養覺悟的契機。再分析現代的文化模式及社會現象,可歸結為:其一,商品主導大眾文化,其二,虛擬現實的意境,其三,迷茫、享樂及多元化。 若以老、莊觀點來看,每一種模式中的現象,隱然是其思想或寓言所指陳的生活現實,而後對此模式所產生的問題進行分析,以老、莊的觀點予以評論、提其盲點。至於現代人因其生活世界、及社會現象的弊端,略從老、莊的觀點反思,以顯其利弊或不透徹之處,並對現代人生命深刻省思,作為迷茫疏離時代的身心安頓之道。


The prevalent teaching of Chinese classical texts in college general education recently becomes Taiwanese scholars' primary concern. This article aims to elucidate Lao-zi's and Zhuang-zi's notable and creative thoughts in Pre-Qin period through a Taoist perspective. Lao-zi's thought of ”governing-by-noninterference” and ”being-natural” as well as Zhuang-zi's notion of ”Oneness” and ”leisure-without-restraint” present an ideal state of life-a perpetual and persistent philosophy-which endows all-time readers with different understandings and perceptions of their spiritual world. As to the teaching method, first of all, a teacher-student corporate participating (for example, drama performance) in the interpretation of Chinese classical texts should be highlighted. They can demonstrate contemporary cultural value and ideation by these classical texts. Then, student can experience effort or happiness and further cultivate an insight into their life experience, representing the world of Chinese classical texts through the role-playing in a theatrical performance. Analyzing modern cultural mode, we can find that the social reality is dominated by a rising of social phenomena, including a trend of popular culture resulting from fashionable commodity, a virtual reality circumstance, and a disorienting, epicurean, yet diversified culture. Seen in Lao-zi's and Zhuang-zi's light, we can realize that their thinking modes and fables implicate an observation of a daily life reality. If we analyze these phenomena with Lao-zi's and Zhuang-zi's viewpoint, we can discern the ambivalence and conflict in our daily life and social reality. Their thoughts actually provide a retrospective thinking of the ambiguity and confusion in our society and life. Most important, they pacify the disturbance and perplexity of our mental mind.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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