


Attempted Analysis on the Consciousness of Tribulation Implicated in Cao Pi's Poetries




何恭傑(Kung-Chieh Ho)


曹丕 ; 魏文帝 ; 惕厲精神 ; 憂患意識 ; 建安文學 ; Pi Cao ; Emperor Wen-Di of Wei ; Spirit of vigilant and encouraging ; consciousness of tribulation ; Jian'an Literature




7卷2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


141 - 166




曹丕(西元187~226),字子桓,曹操次子,生長於軍戎,長於騎射,又博覽經史諸子,文武並進。提倡文學,著作等身,詩賦詔令,皆為可觀;書論銘誄均有佳作,為鄴下文士之重要領導,對於建安文學的繁榮,起著關鍵作用,其《典論‧論文》被視為中國文學理論批評之祖,也是魏晉文學自覺的具體象徵。其詩歌具有民歌寫實的精神,亦有文人的深情蘊藉,質樸而不鄙,清麗而不豔,繼風騷餘韻,振建安風骨。 本論以今存魏文帝詩歌四十餘首為主要研究範疇,旨在深究其詩歌中之生命意識,分為憂患意識的形成、憂患意識的消解及憂患意識的昇華-惕厲精神等三個層面,闡明曹丕詩歌中除了「憂來無方」之悲情愁緒,更有「深自砥礪」的進取奮發,在處於不確定的年代中,面對動盪時局及無情歲月的考驗催逼下,蛻變而成的一種積極昂揚的生命意識。


Pi Cao (A.C. 187~226), styled Zihuan, was Cao Cao's 2(superscript nd) son. Born in a military family, he was good at horseback archery. He also had great interests in literature and read extensively. It can be said that he was a man of literary and military capacity. Pi Cao advocated literature and had appreciable literature works, ranging over poetry to edicts. He also had many great works in letter, ism, inscription, andwritings eulogizing for the dead. He was an important lead for Ye'xia literati and had positive influences on the success of the Jian'an Literature. His work, <Dian Lun Lun Wen> was considered the very first criticism work in the history of Chinese literature; it was also a specific emblem for the consciousness of Wei-Jin Literature. Both folk song's realistic spirits and literati's affectionate comfort can be found in his poetries. His works were simple but not shallow, prettiness but not glamour. It was considered as an important work to inherit traditional Chinese literature and lyrics and arouse Jian'an vigor of style. This study took more than forty poetries made during emperor Wen-Di of Wei; it aimed at further investigating the sense of life that was implicated in those poetries. It was found that the sense of life can be divided into three areas, including the formation of consciousness of tribulation, the dispelling of consciousness of tribulation, and the sublimation of consciousness of tribulation, i.e. spirits of vigilant and encouraging. The three areas clarified that in Pi Cao's poetries, not only pensive sentiments like sentences of ”You-Lai-Wu-Fang (meaning having infinite sadness)” can be found, but also aggressive and mettled words like ”Sen-Zi-Di-Li (meaning self-disciplined strictly)” were contained. This also showed that Pi Cao, as a highly conscious living individual, while living in an uncertain era and facing challenges of unstable political situation and relentless years, was able to transform and create a positive and high-spirited sense of live.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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