


A comparison of Senior-high-school and Vocational-high-school Graduates' Languages and Mathematics Achievement in University: L University as a Case




李隆盛(Lung-Sheng Lee);林佳靜(Chia-Ching Lin);劉可德(Ko-Te Liu);邱秀娟(Hsiu-Chuan Chiu);林聖薇(Sheng-Wei Lin)


多元入學管道 ; 學業成就 ; 高等教育 ; multiple admission approach ; academic achievement ; higher education




8卷2期(2011 / 12 / 01)


39 - 64




臺灣目前高中生和高職生均熱衷於升學,但兩種來源畢業生升讀大學後,學業成就表現究竟有無差異?本研究以某國立大學(以下暱稱為L 大)2003 學年度入學中約全體965 名學生為對象(含高中畢業生450名和高職畢業生515名),探討兩種來源(以下簡稱兩類)畢業生進入L大學習後,在語文與數學方面的學科成績有何差異,並選取相關變項進行比較分析。結果發現:(1)高中與高職兩類畢業生入學後,語文與數學之學業成就並未達顯著差異;(2)兩類畢業生入學前後女生在語文方面的成績均優於男生,但在數學方面的性別差異縮減;(3)兩類畢業生入學後學業成就,未因公私立學校、年齡和居住地區三項背景變項而有所不同;(4)高中應屆學生入學後學業成就優於非應屆,高職畢業生則無差異;(5)不同學院和學系之兩類畢業生入學前學業成績確有顯著差異,但入學後其差異縮減;和(6)兩類學生入學時各科成績較佳者,入學後各科成績亦佳,且以高中畢業生入學前英文成績佳,以及高職畢業生入學前之英文與數學成績佳者尤為顯著。因此,本研究根據結果,針對L 大及其相近校院、教育人員及後續研究提出建議。


In Taiwan, both senior-high-school (SHS) and vocational-high-school (VHS) students are eager to go for further study in universities. Do the two groups (or tracks) of students have academic performance differences when they study in universities? This study mined and analyzed the database of almost all 965 undergraduate students (including 450 SHS graduates and 515 VHS graduates) who were admitted to a national university (henceforth called LU) in 2003. The two main purposes of this study were to investigate whether there is difference between the two groups of students' languages and mathematics achievement or not in the same learning environment, and to explore the relationship between their demographic, entrance score, environmental variables and their academic achievement in LU. Consequently, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) The significant differences between the languages and the mathematics achievement of two groups of students are not found, but the reason should have further studies. (2) The languages achievement of the female students is better than the male ones, while in math, the difference is not significant in gender. (3) Three variables (i.e. high school affiliation- ublic/private, student's age and living area) do not significantly relate to the academic achievement. (4) The achievement of the students who directly enter LU when they graduated from SHS's is better than the other graduates; however, there is no significant difference between the VHS graduates. (5) Distinction exists among the students' entrance scores of different colleges and departments in LU, but the difference decreases after they are enrolled in LU. (6) The higher entrance scores, the better academic achievement of the students in LU. The SHS graduates' English and VHS graduates' English and math scores in entrance examinations are significantly associated to their achievement in university, respectively. Based on the conclusions, suggestions are made to LU and its similar universities, faculty as well as further studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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