


The Cognition and the Interpretation of Local Image: Explore Students' Design Learning By Grey Relational Analysis and Grey Structure Model


葉麗美(Lei-Mei Yeh);蔡清斌(Ching-Pin Tsai)


設計能力 ; 學習模式 ; 灰關聯公式 ; 灰結構模型 ; 地方意象 ; Design Abilities ; Local Image ; GRA ; GSM ; Learning Mode




10卷1期(2013 / 06 / 01)


179 - 200




建築設計課程常以主題操作方式,累積學生之設計經驗,培養學生整合專業知識,發展設計能力。建築內涵之認知與設計能力密切相關,學生的學習能力,因不同的經驗背景與心智特性,應有不同的學習模式。研究由17位學生自評地方意象設計案,四個屬性構面,共24個設計因子之設計能力,建立灰學生問題表(Grey Student-Problem Chart),透過灰關聯公式(Grey Relational Analysis),計算學生不同屬性之設計能力與排序,再以灰結構模型(Grey Structural Model)工具,分析學生於不同屬性之設計能力階層與分佈,結果顯示,設計因子影響學生之設計能力與模式,依學生不同之能力與智慧優勢,研究建議八種不同的學習模式與適應群組。本研究不只建立深入個案設計能力的評量方法,同時綜合學生之設計過程,透過地方意象詮釋結構模型,探討學生於不同階段的設計能力與地方意象詮釋問題,有助於建築設計教學的檢討與提升。


Project-based learning is generally used in architectural design course to accumulate students' design experience, to cultivate their integrated profession, and to train their design capabilities. Students with different experiences and mental characteristics shoule have different types of learning modes, and only pragmatic assessment helps the understanding of individual situations. Datas were collected from 17 students' self-assessments of Local Image design project. Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) methods was applied to analyze the design abilities of 24 local image design components, Grey Student-Problem Chart(GSP) and Grey Structure Model(GSM) were then used to analyze the design learning status. Based on the students' image design abilities, eight groups of different learning modes were suggested. Through the review of the design content and the context, the research not only established the assessment method in-depth but also explored the high-end network of design thinking that contributed to the improvement of the design learning program.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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