


The Denotation and Trend of Cultural Tourism


馮祥勇(Hsiang-Yung Feng);劉鳳錦(Feng-Jiin Liu)


文化觀光 ; 文化觀光型式 ; 觀光客觀點 ; Cultural Tourism ; Typology of Cultural Tourism ; Tourists' Perspective




11卷1期(2014 / 06 / 01)


1 - 25




隨著經濟成長、全球化的趨勢,使得人們更樂意旅行體驗不同的文化與生活型態,也使得觀光旅遊產業持續成長。根據世界觀光旅遊委員會(World Travel and Tourism Council, WTTC)的統計,2012年國際觀光對經濟的總產值為2.1兆美元,直接支持1.01億個就業;東南亞是國際旅遊增長最快的地區,觀光佔總國內生產總值的貢獻達7.3%。在臺灣,國際旅客及國內旅遊也有顯著成長,觀光旅遊衍生的總體經濟效益更為可觀,可說是成長最快、經濟產值最高的產業。本文在探討文化觀光的內涵與發展趨勢,針對文化觀光給予重新定義,並從供給面提出遺產觀光、族群觀光、宗教觀光、節慶觀光、美食觀光、文學觀光與藝術創意觀光等七類進行說明;也從需求面瞭解觀光客對文化遺產的意象與參訪動機、導覽解說服務與需求等進行探討。在論述文化觀光的發展趨勢下,提出臺灣推動文化觀光的期許,以做文化觀光產業政策制定與活動規劃的參考。


With economic growth and globalization, people love to travel and experience different culture and lifestyle. It also makes tourism industry go on growing. According to the statistics by World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), travel & tourism's contribution to world GDP and employment in 2012 was US$ 2.1 trillion. Meanwhile, it offers 101 million job opportunities directly. At a regional level, South East Asia is the fastest growing areas of Travel & Tourism. Tourism contribution to GDP amounted to 7.3%. In Taiwan, the international travelers and domestic tourism have grown significantly, the overall economic benefits of tourism is more considerable. Tourism can be said is the fastest growing, highest economic output in the industry. This paper discusses the denotation and trend of cultural tourism. It makes a description of the typology of cultural tourism: heritage tourism, ethnic tourism, religious tourism, festival tourism, food tourism, literary tourism, arts and creative tourism. However, this paper also explains the tourists' perspective: the image of heritage site and travel motivation, tour guide services and needs, the application of technology in tourism. In this discussion of the trend of cultural tourism trend, authors recommend the tourism industry policy and event planning.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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