


Which Ritual Principle? Whose Ethical Needs? An Analysis of Commentaries on the Great Ritual Controversy in Different Versions of "Ming History"


凌華苓(Hwa-Ling Ling)


大禮議 ; 萬斯同 ; 熊賜履 ; 明史 ; 理學 ; The Great Ritual Controversy ; Wan Sitong ; Xong Cilu ; "Ming History" ; Song-Ming Learning of Principle (lixue)




11卷1期(2014 / 06 / 01)


103 - 137






The Jiajing Great Ritual Controversy was one of the most significant events in the Ming history. People’s opinions vary on the essence and effects of the event. The vulgate "Ming history", though very influential and representative in terms of its perspective, holds quite ambivalent commentaries on this event. What exactly perspective the vulgate "Ming history" maintains and what intention the edition has are issues highly worth researching. This article, to begin with, compares commentaries of the Controversy in the vulgate "Ming history" with the ones the edition gives to similar ritual and political debates during the reins of the other two earlier Ming Emperors, highlighting the double standard of the vulgate "Ming history" which criticizes those ministers who objected the ritual claims of Emperor Shizong for being too radical and unwise. Second, this article further analyzes four different perspectives of the Controversy held respectively by historian Wan Sitong, Neo-Confucian official scholar Xong Cilu, the vulgate "Ming history", and its later revision collected by the Complete Library of the Four Branches of Literature. In so doing, this article indicates the real historiographical concerns of Wan, Xong, and the Qing authorities, explicating how the contemporaries in the Ming-Qing time understood the context and crux of the event. Furthermore, the relationship between the vulgate "Ming history" and different perspectives, the stereotype that Neo-Confucianism facilitates the absolutization of the Ming-Qing Monarchy, and the assertion that Neo-Confucian doctrines devour human nature are also issues that will be dealt and clarified by this article.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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