Most of Hakka industries are primary and secondary industrial sectors which face fierce market competition, industries transformation and upgrading are urgent. Due to government policy support, many industries became prosperous in the last ten years. However, in such a changeable environment, Hakka industries still need advanced structural transformation and upgrading. Accordingly, based on perspectives of management of cultural authenticity, resource-based and key successful factors, this article makes a case study of "Hakka Love lai cha Shop" transformation. Findings are concluded that "Hakka Love lai cha Shop" undergoes a tradition-based innovation of cultural authenticity management. On the one hand, it maintains traditional cultural elements of Hakka lai cha, including using traditional ingredients of green tea, peanut and sesame, instruments of mortar and pestle, naming a symbolic Hakka brand-the Hakka Love; on the other hand, new flavor products of jujube, almond and American ginseng are used, new way of experience of western style lai cha is served, carry-on package products is produced and planning a depth travel tour. Suggestions for further industries developments are introduced, including focus on branding, e-commerce, exposition promotion, human resources and customer relation management (CRM).
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