


Innovation based on Tradition- An Action Study of "Hakka Love" Industries Transformation


俞龍通(Lung-Tung Yu)


客家產業轉型與升級 ; 哈客愛擂茶 ; 文化真實性管理 ; 資源基礎理論 ; 關鍵成功因素 ; Hakka industries transformation and upgrading ; Hakka Love lai cha Shop ; cultural authenticity management ; resource-based theory ; key successful factors




13卷1期(2016 / 12 / 01)


63 - 83




多數客家產業都是傳統產業的第一級和第二級的加工再製品,近年來隨著政府政策的輔導,已經累積初步的成效,較明顯的就是商品的文化化,透過商品的包裝設計來強化符號識別。在這基礎之上,有越來越多的業者更需要整體性企業的診斷與策略規劃,來進行下一段的轉型與升級。有鑒於此,本文特以北埔鄉「哈客愛」擂茶為個案,援引相關管理理論,採取深度訪談與企業診斷的方法,整體性地探究其現況所擁有的內外部優劣勢和機會與挑戰。希望透過本研究,提供給個案業者產業經營管理實務、政府政策輔導和客家學術研究的建議。經由本文研究發現,「哈客愛」在擂茶商品的文化經濟與符號消費的文化真實性管理的策略運用上,主要採取立基於傳統演化為主,以傳統客家擂茶三種原料的綠茶、花生、芝麻為基底,保留了傳統擂缽和擂棒基本組合工具,以客家文化意涵Hakka Love為店名。創新為輔的策略,在傳統三種基本原料中,新開發紅棗、杏仁和粉光蔘等養生的新式擂茶原料;創新擂茶飲用型態的西式擂茶,開發隨身包禮盒創新包裝,開發深度旅遊行程。未來進一步的轉型方向,面對品牌薄弱、電子商務不彰、市場受限及人才募集不易等困境,建議業者招募合適的文創品牌電子商務人選,著手強化品牌知名度、強化電子商務功能、現場展攤推廣開拓市場及做好顧客關係管理,以留住顧客。對政府政策的建議,則應從企業層次、長期、定點且即時的來輔導方式。對客家研究的建議,應多利用日此廣闊的研究場域,深化與廣化客家研究視野。


Most of Hakka industries are primary and secondary industrial sectors which face fierce market competition, industries transformation and upgrading are urgent. Due to government policy support, many industries became prosperous in the last ten years. However, in such a changeable environment, Hakka industries still need advanced structural transformation and upgrading. Accordingly, based on perspectives of management of cultural authenticity, resource-based and key successful factors, this article makes a case study of "Hakka Love lai cha Shop" transformation. Findings are concluded that "Hakka Love lai cha Shop" undergoes a tradition-based innovation of cultural authenticity management. On the one hand, it maintains traditional cultural elements of Hakka lai cha, including using traditional ingredients of green tea, peanut and sesame, instruments of mortar and pestle, naming a symbolic Hakka brand-the Hakka Love; on the other hand, new flavor products of jujube, almond and American ginseng are used, new way of experience of western style lai cha is served, carry-on package products is produced and planning a depth travel tour. Suggestions for further industries developments are introduced, including focus on branding, e-commerce, exposition promotion, human resources and customer relation management (CRM).

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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