


An Exploratory Study of Wearing and Sharing Platform Design and Marketing


樊祖燁(Tsu-Yeh Fan);粘弘濡(Hung-Ju Nien);石綿勛(Mian-Hsun Shih);曾冠錡(Kuan-Chi Tseng);謝皓承(Hao-Cheng Xie)


共享經濟 ; 影像處理 ; 服飾穿搭 ; 以圖搜圖技術 ; 社交行為 ; sharing economy ; image processing ; dressing and matching ; image search technology ; social behavior




18卷2期(2021 / 12 / 01)


89 - 110






Modern people pay attention to dress, and fashionable dressing has not only become the focus to the social behavior of young people, but also an important topic for young people. However, the consumption power of young people is not strong. Apart from caring about what kind of clothes are popular now, they are more worried about how to use limited money to create different outfits every day. In view of this, this research focuses on the sharing economy, and designs a "Wear & Match" sharing platform, so that users can refer to how other people wear them on the platform, and share their personal wear experience, so they can use the most economical way create the most diverse outfit. In addition to providing a diversified discussion area and a big database, this platform also combines the latest product information provided by related manufacturers. The platform using image-processing technology which can be used to search for images to find pictures and prices of related products. This platform hopes that by sharing the latest information provided by clothing manufacturers, not only can it increase the diversified changes in young people's clothing, but also increase the brand's exposure, so that consumers and manufacturers can achieve a win-win effect.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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