Taiwan's ICT safety testing is one of the few industries that has maintained stable growth after the outbreak of COVID-19 and the economic recession in 2020. This study utilizes the Delphi method and the geometric mean value to analyze Taiwan's competitive advantages in electrical safety testing and examine the potential development of Taiwan labs within the IECEE CB scheme. An analysis of 53 questionnaires conducted by middle and senior staff members of Taiwan safety labs, manufacturers, and foreign agencies (NCB) reveals that the priority order of the seven factors in the modified Porter's diamond model is as follows: (1) Production factors, (2) Demand conditions, (3) Government, (4) Corporate strategy, structure, and competition, (5) Multinational Business Activities, (6) Related and supporting industries, and (7) Opportunities. Furthermore, among the 21 sub-criteria, test efficiency and quality, management team effectiveness, availability of high-quality technical personnel, quality strategy, and technological innovation in testing are identified as the most important factors. In relation to the IECEE CB scheme, given the strong demand in the global safety market, the Taiwan government must strive to actively participate in international organizations and gain recognition as a National Certification Body (NCB). The safety testing industry needs to align itself more closely with international standards, expand and enhance the value chain of safety testing, and prioritize electronic ICT development and service innovation through improved testing efficiency and quality to secure a leading position in the long run. In the short term, leveraging the market advantage and demand in America and Europe to develop the IECEE CB scheme could potentially help Taiwan's CB testing laboratories (CBTLs) and foreign NCBs achieve a mutually beneficial outcome.
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