The main purpose of this two-year study was to examine the predictive validity of the Comprehensive Developmental Inventory for Infants and Toddlers (CDIIT), the well-designed standardized development test in Taiwan. It was intended to validate CDIIT for predicting diagnostic results and later school problems or special education needs, based on the data from 242 pre-test preschool children (NH=173, DD=69), 209 1-year follow-up cases (NH=154, DD=55), 103 4-year follow-up DD cases, and 120 8-year follow-up cases (NH=61, DD=59). Comparisons were made on the predictive power of CDIIT, teacher's referral ratings on Child Problems Referral Survey (CPRS), and Preschool Children Development Checklist (PCDC). Correlation analyses, classification analyses, and X^2 group comparisons were also conducted.
The two-year study has found that CDIIT has fairly good predictive validity for diagnostic results and later school performances or special education needs. The results from CPRS and CDIIT Screening Test with Z scores below cut-off point of-1.0 in any single subtest has the hightest sensitivity and lowest false negative rate than PCDC and CDIIT with Z score derived from Total Score to predict cases having later school prblems or speical educational needs, however, higher overreferral rate was noted. The evidence, therefore, has given strong supports to suggest that the result of CDIIT judged from any single subtest rather than Total Score can be used confidently in mass screening for developmental delays, however, CPRS, designed based on classroom situations, might be more appropirate to be used by preschool teachers.
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