


Pivotal Response Training on Symbolic Play Behaviors of Preschool Child with Autism




鍾佳蓁(Chia-Chen Jung);鳳華(Feng Hua)


核心反應訓練 ; 學齡前自閉症兒童 ; 象徵遊戲行為 ; Pivotal Response Training ; preschool child with autism ; symbolic play behaviors




29期(2005 / 09 / 01)


175 - 197




本研究旨在探討核心反應訓練(Pivotal Response Training, PRT)增進學齡前自閉症兒童象徵性遊戲行為之成效。研究對象為一學齡前自閉症兒童,採單一受試「跨行為多探試實驗設計」,自變項為核心反應訓練模式,依變項為單一象徵遊戲行為(包括替代假裝、賦予屬性與無中生有)、連貫式象徵遊戲行為及自發性象徵遊戲行為之變化情形,分析次數表現與遊戲內容,瞭解象徵遊戲行為之改變情形,透過家長與教師的教學回餿問卷與訪談建立社會效度。研究結果如下: 核心反應訓練能增進受試三種「單一的」、「連貫式」及「自發性」象徵遊戲行為。 遊戲內容分析結果發現:三種單一象徵遊戲難度上有所差異、受試者遊戲的層次提昇、受試產生許多主動性創意點子、對特定物品的固著現象,主動性遊戲語言與社會互動獲得提昇。 本實驗具有社會效度,即在教學目標、教學流程與教學成效獲得教師與家長的認同。 本研究並針對核心反應訓練及未來研究設計提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect on symbolic play behaviors of preschool child with autism by giving pivotal response training. A preschool child with autism participated in the study. A single-subject experimental design of multiple probes design across behaviors was used in the study. The independent variable of this study was pivotal response training. The dependent variables of this study were the improvement of three kinds of single symbolic play behaviors, three kinds of complicated symbolic play behaviors and spontaneous symbolic play behaviors. Major consequences of this study were as follows: 1. Pivotal response training can increase the single, complicated, and spontaneous symbolic play behaviors. 2. The analysis of qualities of symbolic play behaviors indicated that: there is different degree of difficulty among the three single symbolic play behaviors, and the play level the subject performed has been enhanced, and the subject created more and more symbolic ideas spontaneously. There is an inflexible intendance of symbolic play behaviors on specific objects. After training, the spontaneous language skills and interactions with others had also been enhanced. 3. The pivotal response training provided suitable social validity. The parent and teachers all agreed at the importance of symbolic play training and the treatment outcomes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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