


"A Meaning with Break Through"-Psychosocial Process of Mother with Autistic Children




劉毓芬(Yuh-Fen Liou);胡心慈(Shin-Tzu Hu)


自閉症 ; 母親 ; 心理歷程 ; autism ; mother ; psychosocial process




29期(2005 / 09 / 01)


225 - 249




本研究的主要目的在探討自閉症兒童的母親之心理歷程,藉此瞭解自閉症兒童的母親之心理轉折歷程、在不同階段之相同點以及影響的因素。因此,本研究採質性研究的方法,以個案深度訪談的方式,並輔以訪談重要他人、收集相關資料、訪談札記等,來進行資料的蒐集與結果的分析。 本研究之研究結果如下: 一、自閉症兒童的母親之心理歷程為:(一)探索期。(二)跨越期。(三)分享期。 二、自閉症兒童的母親之心理歷程三階段之相同點:(一)焦慮的尋覓醫療機構或學校。(二)有醫療人員或老師願意接納,她便心存感謝。(三)從醫療人員或老師處得到的支持與新觀念。 三、自閉症兒童的母親之心理歷程的影響因素:(一)外在環境分為:家庭、醫療單位、朋友、學校單位等四方面。(二)內在自我成長方面分為:參與研習活動、參加協會和讀書會、宗教信仰、閱讀書籍及因應壓力的策略等五方面。 最後,研究者根據上述研究結果提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the psychosocial process of mother with autistic children, which included the psychosocial transition process, the similar experience at various stages and the factors affecting mother with autistic children. The research adopted qualitiative research method: in-depth interview, interview of related people, data collection. The analysis revealed the following main findings: l. Psychosocial transition process of mother with autistic children: (l) The stage of exploring. (2) The stage of striding over. (3)The stage of sharing:. 2. The same experience at various stages of mother with autistic children: (l) Anxiety about seeking medical organization or school. (2) Gratitude for medical personnel or teacher willing to accept. (3) Support from medical personnel or teacher growing and new idea. 3. The factors affecting psychosocial process of mother with autistic children: (l) External environment from families, medical units, friends, schools. (2) Intrinsic growth from: A. participation in research and activity. B. participation associations, study groups. C. religious belief. D. reading books. E. tactics for pressure resistance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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