


A Study of Creative Process of Outstanding Musician




陳昭儀(Chao-Yi Chen)


音樂家 ; 創作歷程 ; musician ; stages of creative process




31期(2006 / 09 / 01)


221 - 239




本研究乃是邀請四位傑出音樂家成為研究參與者,經由深度訪談及蒐集相關文件資料的方式進行複式個案研究,據以瞭解傑出音樂家之創作歷程。 綜合四位音樂家之創作歷程可分為以下五個階段:集材-豐富的創作源、醞釀-音符的流動、架構-不同組合概念的形成、修正-作品精緻化、呈現-樂曲或演奏形式之終極目標~美感經驗的追尋,茲分述如下: 一、集材-豐富的創作源 音樂家集材的目的在於累積豐富的創作源與記憶,以提供在一連串思維下的靈感乍現,其創作源包含有各類型藝術的涉獵以及生活的歷練與經驗的影響等。 二、醞釀-音符的流動 不論是作曲家、演奏家或是指揮在進行音樂創作時,腦中或心中都有著一些音符在流動、在迴旋。 三、架構-不同組合概念的形成~感性得來、理性整理 經過音符的組合之後透過構思的過程中,逐步汰除不必要的素材,醞釀長期累積的構念,探索創作的可能性。 四、修正-作品精緻化 音樂的演出需要結合眾人的力量,每個環節皆是相扣的。正式演出之前,尚需顧及運用創材的可能性以及各項事物的配合,因此作品需要不斷加以修正與改進。 五、呈現-樂曲或演奏形式之終極目標~美感經驗的追尋 這四位研究參與者不論在作曲或指揮、演奏方面,都期待達到美感經驗之追尋。


The participants in this study were four distinguished musicians. Case studies were used as the framework for in-depth interviews and data collection. The creative process of musicians was analyzed by being divided into five stages. First is the materials-gathering stage: for very advanced musicians most musical ”ideas” come out of an accumulated, overflowing reservoir of feelings, memories and life experiences, from which they may suddenly be drawn in a moment of inspiration. Second is the incubation stage, in which the notes seem to flow or circle around in the musician's (composer's, conductor's, virtuoso performer's) brain or heart. Third is the ”structuring” stage: here the most promising musical concepts are brought together into a form or structure, and any that now seem unnecessary to the over-all design are discarded. Fourth is the revision stage, in which the best possible fitting-together of all the elements is achieved, the greatest efficiency, clarity, thus beauty are realized. Finally comes the presentation or performance of the musical piece (work): the musician naturally wants to perform his/her work as perfectly (as beautifully) as possible, so that his/her audience may experience the greatest possible aesthetic pleasure and joy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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