


Development of General Transition Skills Inventory and Performance Analyses for Senior High School Students with Disabilities




林宏熾(Hung-Chih Lin);黃湘儀(Shiang-Yi Huang)


高中職階段 ; 身心障礙學生 ; 轉銜技能 ; 轉銜評量 ; 一般轉銜技能量表 ; general transition skills ; senior high school ; students with disabilities ; transition assessment ; General Transition Skills Inventory




32卷2期(2007 / 06 / 01)


17 - 46






This study discusses the development of General Transition Skills Inventory (GTSI) and examines the current conditions and factors affecting general transition skills for senior high school students with disabilities in Taiwan. A survey using stratified clustered sampling with 1027 youth with disabilities was conducted by means of the GTSI in four regions of Taiwan: north, center, south, and east. Data were then analyzed according to frequency, mean, standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance, and stepwise multiple regression. The results indicated GTSI had good qualities as a reliable and valid scale for students with disabilities. Students with disabilities ranked themselves highest in transition skills in health and life, domestic living, and socialization, whereas they thought that money, life management and problem-solving were their most needed skills. The type of disability, living area, socioeconomic status, parents' educational status, and resource of transition information all correlated with the score on the GTSI. Stepwise multiple regressions revealed that variables related to students' personal status, family situation, educational situation, and social class were significantly correlated with their scores on the GTSI, with varying degrees of predictability. Except for the variable of gender, there were statistically significant mean differences between transition skill scores and most of variables related to students' personal status, family situation, and educational situation for these students with disabilities. Recommendations are offered concerning the implications of these findings for school policy, transition practices, and further research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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