


The Feasibility of a Pre-Referral Intervention Program in LD Identification: Using an Reading Intervention Program for Aboriginal Underachievers as an Example




陳淑麗(Shu-Li Chen);洪儷瑜(Li-Yu Hung);曾世杰(Shih-Jay Tzeng)


原住民 ; 學習障礙 ; 轉介前介入方案 ; 教學反應 ; Aboriginal students ; learning disability ; pre-referral intervention program ; response to instruction




32卷2期(2007 / 06 / 01)


47 - 66




本研究旨在建立一個轉介前介入方案,來區分在特教鑑定上,難以區分的學障與一般低成就兒童。本研究對47位國語文低成就的原住民學童進行11週的補救教學,根據研究執行的歷程,本研究將轉介前介入的流程設計分為五個階段,階段一:低成就學童的篩選;階段二:提供轉介前的介入方案;階段三:評估轉介前的介入成效;階段四:根據成效的判斷,決定後續的服務型態;階段五:學障鑑定。 本研究再以多元方式檢驗此模式的可行性,主要發現為(一)補救教學可以在學習障礙診斷工作流程實施;(二)學障鑑定透過轉介前介入,能有效篩檢一般低成就,各階段人數逐漸降低,具有篩選功能;(三)轉介前介入能有效降低轉介特教鑑定的數量,且成本低效益高;(四)以專業心評教師的「學障研判」為效標,結果顯示被診斷為學障者,有很高的比率是對教學反應較差的,偽陰性的比率很低。研究結果支持轉介前介入是一個有效且可行的方案,唯,以補救教學為轉介前介入的方式,也會遭遇一些執行上的問題。


The purpose of the study was to introduce a Learning Disabilities Identification model which would include the ideas of pre-referral intervention and response-to-intervention. To test the feasibility of the model, we designed and implemented a pre-referral intervention program in order to identify students with learning disabilities from a group of 47 low-achieving aboriginal students. The process of identification consisted of 5 stages: (1) screening out of low achievers; (2) conducting a pre-referral intervention; (3) evaluating the effectiveness of the intervention; (4) based on the results of (3), determining appropriate educational services for low-achieving aboriginal students; (5) LD identification. Researchers also examined the feasibility of the model by means of various approaches. The main findings were: (1) it is feasible to include a pre-referral intervention program in the LD identification process; (2) students' responses to intervention served to distinguish LD learners from low achievers, and the number of suspected LD learners decreased at each successive stage; (3) pre-referral intervention reduced the number of students who needed to receive further LD identification; (4) using independent evaluation as a criterion, those who were diagnosed as LD learners were very likely to have poor responses to intervention. The percentage of false negatives was low. The research findings supported the assumption that pre-referral intervention is feasible and can effectively discriminate ”low-achieving” and ”possible learning-disabled” groups. The implementation and difficulties confronted are described in detail.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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