


The Learning Experiences of a Student with Learning Disabilities




黃己娥(Ji-A Huang);王天苗(Tien-Miau Wang)


學習障礙 ; 學習經驗 ; learning disabilities ; learning experiences




32卷3期(2007 / 09 / 01)


111 - 132






This qualitative study described the learning experieces of a junior college student, Jack, who has continuously suffered learning difficulties since kindergarten. Jack's parents were told by his kindergarten teacher that he was the slowest kid in class and, later on in elementary and junior high school, found him having difficulties in reading and math because of attention and memory problems. Frustrated by these problems, Jack appeared less motivation and even resisted learning sometimes. At present, Jack still has difficulties in learning; however, he seems to have found some strategies for solving his problems. On the other hand, Jack' parents have also experienced much frustration and confusion, especially when no ”answers” could be found for Jack's difficulties in learning until the 9(superscript th) grade, when he was formally identified as having ”learning disabilities.” Even so, the parents have believed in ”learning cannot wait” and kept a close relationship with Jack's teachers, hired home tutors for him, and have been very supportive to Jack for the past ten years or so. This case reminds us to look for early signs of learning problems, to closely observe the difficulties learning disabled students tend to have, and to consider alternative and more effective ways of identifying students with learning disabilities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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