


The Impact of a Speaking-Rate Training Program on Speech Intelligibility in Students with Spastic Cerebral Palsy




楊青燕(Ching-Yeng Yang);劉惠美(Huei-Mei Liu)


痙攣型腦性麻痺者 ; 說話清晰度 ; 元音構音空間 ; 說話速度 ; Spastic cerebral palsy ; Speech intelligibility ; Vowel working-space ; Speaking rate ; Training program




32卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


65 - 83






The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of the speaking-rate training program on speech intelligibility for 16 students with spastic cerebral palsy. All participants received the speaking-rate training program for six 45-minute sessions. Before and after the intervention of speech training programs, individual subjects' speech intelligibility, vowel working-space and speaking rate were measured to evaluate the effects of training. The results showed that the speaking-rate training program was effective in improving speech intelligibility, expanding vowel working- space areas, and decreasing speaking rate. Over a two-week tracking period, the effects of this program on speech intelligibility and vowel working-space were maintained, Furthermore, individual subjects' vowel working-space was found to positively correlate with their speech intelligibility, and it could account for 67.3% of the improvement in speech intelligibility after the intervention. These results suggest that speakers with spastic cerebral palsy can benefit from the speaking-rate intervention program, and furthermore that vowel working-space area could be an important component of global estimates of speech intelligibility. The improvement of vowel working-space after the training program can be taken as a measure of the positive impact of training on speech intelligibility.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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