


Development of the Token Test for Chinese-Speaking Preschoolers




林月仙(Yueh-Hsien Lin)


色塊測驗 ; 學前兒童 ; 聽覺理解 ; Token test ; Preschoolers ; Auditory comprehension




32卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


85 - 109






The study was aimed at developing a test for assessing preschool children's auditory comprehension skills based on the Token Test concept originally proposed by De Renzi and Vignolo in the l960s. This test was especially designed to probe the information processing skills underlining auditory comprehension. This article reviews the procedures in establishing a national norm and also reports its reliability and validity. A total of 2,257 children aged from 3 to 5 were proportionally sampled from the four major geographical regions in Taiwan participated in the study for the use in the pilot phase, norm establishing, and validity checking. The formal test thus developed contains 29 items for each age group, including a common set of 22 items across the three age groups and another set of 7 items unique to each age group. The test was found to have good internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Factor analysis revealed the good fit for the four-factor model with the 3- and 4-year-old groups, yet the three-factor model with the 5-year-old group. As for the criterion-related validity, the test was moderately correlated with an existent auditory comprehension test designed to probe the syntactic and semantic aspects of the language. In addition, the passing rate decreased with the increasing length and complexity of test items. Age, gender, residential area, and disability were critical factors accounting for the test performance. Finally, the overall abilities tapped by the revised test with the current preschooler cohort are not substantially different from the cohort sampled for a previous version almost one decade years ago, indicating that the information processing skills tapped by the test are rather immune to the cultural changes across different generations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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