


An Internal Working Model of the Attachment and Interpersonal Conflict Coping Skills of College Students with Disabilities




許雅惠(Ya-Hui Hsu)


人際衝突 ; 大專校院身心障礙學生 ; 依附內在運作模式 ; college students with disabilities ; interpersonal conflict ; internal working model of attachment




34卷2期(2009 / 07 / 30)


27 - 46






This study aims to explore the contents of the internal working model of attachment for college students with disabilities. Furthermore, this study explores the relationship between the internal working model of these students and their interpersonal conflict coping skills. The study invited 5 disabled college students to participate. Semi-structured interview methods were adopted to collect research data. Every participant was interviewed twice. The findings of this study were as follows: (1) these disabled students' self-concepts tend to be influenced by the opinions of a ”key person”; (2) these students' perception of their limb defects tends to influence their interpersonal interaction; (3) these students all feel that interaction with others who treat them as equals makes their own attitude toward interpersonal experience more positive.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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