


The Study of Community Based Services for Children with Developmental Delays in Low Resource Communities




林雅容(Ya-Jung Lin)


早期療育 ; 社區療育據點 ; 發展遲緩兒童 ; early intervention ; community intervention settings ; developmental delays




38卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


1 - 29






Purpose: In Taiwan, non governmental organizations have implemented the community based services in recent years. Until 2009, the R.O.C.'s Children's Bureau Ministry of the Interior declared a trial program of home- and community-based services for children with developmental delays and provided subsidies for non profit organizations to execute services in low resource communities. This study explored current situation of community based services for the purpose of early intervention in low resource communities. Methods: Data were collected from four case management centers brought by the trial program for community based services in 2010. The data were collected through practical field observation, document analysis and telephone interview. This study recruited seven research participants, professionals within this research field, to attend practical field observation. And their speech was also recorded and analyzed. Findings: The results of this study indicate (1) the coordination between social service agencies and governments, the effective interaction between professionals and service users, and the positive cooperation between professionals were important for implementing services and satisfying the needs of children and their families. Additionally, this study also suggests that the establishment of community intervention settings, the practice of fixed point and mobile services and the collaboration between professionals are factors needed to be concerned. (2) Four centers cooperated with local social service agencies to offer early intervention services and to increase the service accessibility for families. However, community resource connecting and sharing was currently basing on the acceptance among agencies due to a lack of policy planning for interagency collaboration. (3) Even though parental participation has positive effects on service effectiveness, professionals should concern about the characteristics and daily activities of children and their families and avoid raising parental stress. Due to the shortage of government subsidies for professionals to provide family supportive services, existing services were less relative to local culture. (4) Government subsidies for community based services were found less than those for centered based services which means the difference of subsidies for each child was from NT$ 6,056.67 to 17,390.47 per year. Conclusion/Implications: The following implications for practices were suggested: governments should concern about low resource communities; to assist community intervention and to provide subsidies for family supportive services, meanwhile, co-organizers should understand services for each family through team meetings and pay attention to service using and effectiveness. Future study is needed to provide more information about the experiences and subjective perception of children, family and local residents and to discover about the cooperation between co-organizer and local agencies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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