


A Longitudinal Study on the Self-concept Development of Junior High School Students




侯雅齡(Ya-Ling Hou)


多群體分析 ; 自我概念 ; 資優生 ; 潛在成長模式分析 ; 縱貫研究 ; multigroup ; self-concept ; gifted students ; latent growth curve model ; longitudinal study




39卷1期(2014 / 03 / 25)


1 - 34






Purpose: The academic self-concepts that students develop strongly influence their academic achievement, educational choices, and vocational choices. Based on the characteristics of multifaceted and a hierarchical structure, academic self-concepts can be divided into various subject-specific self-concepts, such as mathematics, English, and science self-concepts. Furthermore, the formation of self-concepts gradually develops with growth experiences and interrelationships with others and the environment. Thus, one of the research objectives was to explore the development correlations among the academic self-concepts of junior high school students regarding four subjects. Generally, gifted students have the characteristic of emotional over-excitability. This has made gifted students highly sensitive to differences. Consequently, the second objective of this study was to compare the differences between gifted students and general students according to the self-concept development model. Method: The data collected included a four wave survey through repeated assessment of 2,242 students in 18 junior high schools in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. The instrument used was a Self Descript Questioners. A multivariate latent growth curve model and a latent growth curve model for multiple groups were used to analyze the data. Findings: (1) The math and science subject self-concepts exhibited moderately positive correlations. The correlation of the changes in self-concepts regarding these two subjects was high. Chinese and English subject self-concepts exhibited slightly positive correlations. The correlation of the changes in self-concepts regarding these two subjects was low; (2) The students' self-concepts regarding various subjects exhibited significant differences. Slight differences were observed among students regarding Chinese self-concepts, and there were clear differences among these participants regarding English self-concepts; (3) All participants had low science self-concepts, and this decreased the most in the 2-year learning process; (4) General self-concepts positively increased among the gifted and normal students; among the academic self-concepts, however, only Chinese self-concepts remained positive, whereas the other academic selfconcepts exhibited negative changes; (5) The math, science and English self-concepts involving group invariance in the multi-group latent growth curve model were not satisfied; (6) In comparison with the self-concepts of other subjects, the math self-concepts of the gifted students were the highest; (7) In comparison with the change of self-concepts in various subjects, the science and English self-concepts of the normal students decreased the most; (8) Boys' math and science self-concepts were higher than girls' self-concepts in these subjects, and girls' Chinese and English self-concepts were higher than boys' self-concepts in these subjects. However, no significant difference was observed between genders regarding general self-concepts. Conclusion/Implications: Based on the results, this paper proposes several suggestions for educators and future researchers: (1) Research should focus on effective education to promote students' self-concepts; (2) Teachers could help students to learn English by consistently adopting a positive attitude; (3) The multigroup latent growth curve model for boys and girls should be examined; (4) The grouping of gifted students and the gap between the number of participants should be addressed. This research can be used to classify gifted students into different groups in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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