


Effects of Predictable-Pattern-Book Instruction on Reading Comprehension for Second-and Third-Grade Students with Hearing Impairments




莊梅君(Mei-Jun Zhuang);劉秀丹(Hsiu-Tan Liu)


可預測性繪本 ; 閱讀理解 ; 聽覺障礙學生 ; predictable picture books ; reading comprehension ; students with hearing impairment




39卷3期(2014 / 11 / 30)


29 - 48






Studies have shown a depressing pattern: deaf students struggle to reach third or fourth-grade reading levels by age 13 or 14, when same-age peers with normal hearing typically achieve reading scores at seventh- or eighth-grade levels. Deaf students tend to plateau at these lower levels, rather than advancing further. Students with hearing impairments clearly require more effective reading instruction. Purpose: We investigated the effects of predictable-pattern-book instruction (PPBI) on reading comprehension in elementary school students with hearing impairments. Predictable pattern books are books with repetitive and predictable phrases for new readers. Methods: The research participants were 18 children with hearing impairments who received itinerant consultation services, and were second and third graders in elementary schools in Taipei City and New Taipei City. A standardized assessment tool, the Reading Comprehension Difficulty Diagnosis Test (RCDDT), and a self-designed reading comprehension test were used to evaluate the students’ pretest and posttest reading ability. The students were paired according to their reading ability and randomly assigned to the experimental group and the control group (nine subjects each). The reading ability on the pretest of RCDDT and the self-designed reading comprehension test were similar in both groups. The experimental group received PPBI for 8 weeks, after which the same tests that were previously used for reading assessment were used to determine whether the PPBI improved reading comprehension. In PPBI, the teacher used predictable pattern books and encouraged students to predict during the instruction. There are three stages in the PPBI: Stage 1, the teacher encouraged students to predict the plots through pictures on the book cover; Stage 2, the teacher led students to read aloud and looked for some clues to predict subsequent episodes according to the text and pictures they have read; Stage 3, the teacher encouraged students and helped them to retell the story to promote their reading comprehension. Because there were few participants, non-parametric testing was adopted for statistical analyses. Results/Findings: According to the Mann-Whitney U test, the students with hearing impairments who received PPBI exhibited greater improvements between the pretest and posttest scores than did the students in the control group in both the Reading Comprehension Difficulty Diagnosis Test and the self-designed reading-comprehension test. Conclusions/Implications: These results showed that the PPBI exerted positive effects on the reading comprehension of the second- and third-grade elementary-school students with hearing impairments. This study recommends that teachers and parents of students with hearing impairments use PPBI as an early intervention, which may enable avoiding the afore-mentioned plateau in reading ability in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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