Purpose: Contemporary domestic research on creative teaching mainly focuses on teachers when discussing the factors affecting this aspect of education, but seldom studies the major party involved in creative teaching, namely students. By taking students as the main research object, the present study was aimed at elucidating the effect of creative teaching on students' academic achievements. As the independent variables, this study approached students' learning motivation at the individual level and teachers' creative learning at the overall level, examining the effects of both levels on students' academic achievements. Method: Aiming at a total of 78 teachers and 1,808 students to complete the survey, hierarchical linear modeling was utilized to analyze the relations among the variables. Results: The results are summarized as follows: 1. Value, expectancy, affection, and executive volition in students' learning motivation had significantly and directly positive effects on academic achievements. 2. Open-mindedness and problem solving in teachers' creative teaching exhibited positive and direct effects on students' academic achievements. 3. Open-mindedness in creative teaching explained students' academic achievements only through value and affection in student motivation. Problem solving further explained students' academic achievements through value, expectancy, and executive volition in students’ learning motivation. 4. Problem solving in creative teaching revealed positive moderating effects on the relationship between expectancy in students’ learning motivation and academic achievements. Moreover, interactive discussion appears to have had positive moderating effects on the relationship between affection in students' learning motivation and academic achievement. In other words, value and executive volition are mediators. Expectancy and affection, in addition to being mediators, were also moderated by problem solving and interactive discussion in their relation to academic achievements. In addition to clarifying the direct effect of teachers' creative teaching on students' academic achievements, this paper also presents a unique contribution in elucidating the change in these effects in situations in which students exhibit different degrees of learning motivation. Conclusions/Implications: On the basis of the preceding research results, the following relevant discussions and suggestions are outlined in this study: 1. Teachers and parents can directly enhance students' learning motivation so as to affect their academic achievements. 2. Teachers' creative teaching can directly influence students' academic achievements and indirectly affect students' academic achievements through the mediating effect of learning motivation. 3. Students' learning motivation should be considered by teachers practicing creative teaching. Finally, suggestions for relevant research are proposed.
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