


Importance and Preparedness of Knowledge Domains for Vocational Rehabilitation Case Managers and Supported Employment Specialists in Taiwan




林真平(Chen-Ping Lin)


支持性就業服務員 ; 專業知識 ; 職業重建個案管理員 ; knowledge domain ; supported employment specialist ; vocational case manager




44卷1期(2019 / 03 / 31)


31 - 57






Purpose: The purposes of this study were to examine the importance and preparedness of knowledge domains for vocational rehabilitation case managers and supported employment specialists in Taiwan and to determine whether any differences in knowledge domains existed between the two professional groups. Methods: The author revised the inventory presented by Leahy et al. (2009). The inventory used in this study contained 12 knowledge domains and 73 knowledge subdomains. The inventories of 96 vocational rehabilitation case managers and 162 supported employment specialists were analyzed. Results/Findings: Results revealed that the two professionals ranked the importance of knowledge domains differently. "Case and Case Load Management" and "Job Development and Placement Services" were rated as the most important knowledge domains by vocational rehabilitation case managers and supported employment specialists, respectively. Overall, vocational rehabilitation case managers rated six knowledge domains to be significantly more important than those rated by supported employment specialists, and these domains were "Individual Counseling," "Career Counseling and Assessment," "Case and Caseload Management," "Medical, Functional, and Environmental Aspects of Disabilities," "Foundations, Ethics, and Professional Issues," and "Rehabilitation Services and Resource." Among the 12 knowledge domains, vocational rehabilitation case managers rated only 1 domain as below medium importance and supported employment specialists rated 3 domains as below medium importance. The results also showed that the levels of preparedness of vocational rehabilitation case managers in "Career Counseling and Assessment" and "Case and Caseload Management" were significantly higher than those of supported employment specialists. Conversely, the level of preparedness of supported employment specialists in "Vocational Consultation and Services for Employers" was significantly higher than that of vocational rehabilitation case managers. Among the knowledge domains that were rated as above medium importance, "Case and Case Load Management" and "Job Development and Placement Services" were rated as above medium preparedness for vocational rehabilitation case managers and supported employment specialists, respectively. Conclusions/Implications: The results of this study provide empirical evidence for the vocational rehabilitation profession. Although the two professionals ranked the importance of the 12 knowledge domains differently, they rated the same nine knowledge domains as of medium importance for their work. The results present that the two professionals have several common knowledge domains. Although all the participants were qualified professionals, their preparedness for several essential knowledge domains were insufficient. It is necessary to examine the current preservice training curriculums and qualifications for certification. Moreover, current vocational rehabilitation case managers and supported employment specialists should receive continuing education to increase their levels of preparedness in the required knowledge domains.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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