


Career Thinking of Verbally Talented Students in Senior High School and their Decision to Withdraw from Gifted Class




陳勇祥(Yung-Hsiang Chen)


生涯 ; 資優 ; 語文性向 ; verbally talented ; gifted ; career




46卷2期(2021 / 07 / 31)


93 - 123






Purpose: This study explored the reasons that verbally talented high school students have thoughts of quitting classes and then analyzed the context of career thinking and career decisions based on their future career orientation. The research aims were (1) to understand the motivational background, conflict discovery, and adjustment changes of verbally talented high school students and (2) to analyze participant perceptions of their careers and the context of their career decisions. Methods: With its grounded theoretical research orientation, the study employed in-depth interviewing to collect data on participant decision-making, career thinking process contexts, and phenomenon experience in order to construct meaning and connotation. The participants were fourth-year university students. They had enrolled in a class in high school for verbally talented students, considered quitting the class, but in the end did not quit. The 13 participants (9 women and 4 men) had an average age of 21.6 years. Results/Findings: Students' initiation of quitting the class was related to their entry route, their own learning methods, and their future development, and some believed that the class did not match their expectations. However, when they were deciding whether to quit the class, they considered the many advantages of continuing, which was the key triggering them to clarify their ideas in the conflict of choices. In addition, the university provided the participants with numerous learning journeys, which enabled them to understand the relationship between the learning environment, the department, and their career. Conclusions/Implications: The findings suggest that teachers should guide gifted students to discover their language advantages and express their own characteristics. In addition, the curriculum should combine the personal strengths and language-related experiences of students to enable them to uncover their own strengths and unique characteristics. This method could be used to respond to student learning preferences and could be adjusted in line with the difficulties encountered by students or situations where they were not interested in certain topics. Teachers should also pay attention to the problems encountered by gifted students in their career choices and guide them from the conflicts of ideas and concepts toward discovering perspectives that promote changes in thinking. Therefore, teachers should strengthen their awareness and identify students with thoughts of withdrawing from gifted classes and seek the time for intervention as early as possible. Teachers can analyze the gap between student potential and performance to guide students to think about methods of finding their own advantages. In addition, teachers should note changes in student thinking during decision-making processes and adjust class management, curriculum planning, administrative operations, and teaching strategies in a timely manner.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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