


Challenges faced by and misconceptions of teachers when conducting functional behavioral assessments and developing interventions




蔡淑妃(Shu-Fei Tsai);翁素珍(Su-Chen Wong)


行為功能介入方案 ; 行為功能評量 ; 迷思概念 ; functional behavior assessment ; function-based intervention ; misconception




47卷1期(2022 / 03 / 30)


1 - 28






Purpose: Due to the importance of function-based intervention programs, county and city governments in Taiwan have invested considerable human and financial resources in training in-service teachers in functional behavioral assessments and function-based interventions. However, to the best of the researchers' knowledge, only one previous empirical study in Taiwan has examined the effectiveness of functional behavioral assessments and function-based intervention training (Wu, 2017). Since 2000, empirical studies have been conducted in the United States focusing on comprehensive training for both functional behavioral assessments and function-based interventions (e.g., Dukes et al., 2008; Scott et al., 2005) or training for either functional behavioral assessments or function-based interventions (e.g., Crone et al., 2007; Loman & Horner, 2014; Strickland-Cohen & Horner, 2015). Most studies have employed paper-and-pen tests to assess the knowledge acquired by trainees (Crone et al., 2007; Strickland-Cohen & Horner, 2015; Strickland-Cohen et al., 2016). Although studies have contained case implementations, the results are usually outcome-oriented (Loman & Horner, 2014; Scott et al., 2005), with the challenges encountered by trainees in learning and practice rarely explored. The authors have found that when teachers are trained in behavioral functional intervention programs, the trainees do not passively accept the course content in their entirety because they are influenced by their experiences in dealing with behavioral problems and their prior knowledge. This phenomenon is consistent with findings in the literature, which indicates that learners learning a new concept are influenced by their experiences. Additionally, when the ideas or concepts developed from experience are appropriate, they can help learners acquire new knowledge. Conversely, when experience conflicts with new knowledge or is based on misconceptions, further learning may be hindered (Taylor & Kowalski, 2014). Thus, learning is about not only learning new concepts but also eliminating misconceptions (Sadler & Sonnert, 2016). Learner misconceptions must be identified early (Arntzen et al., 2010) because they become more difficult to challenge the longer they are believed to be correct (Godding & Metz, 2011; Taylor & Kowalski, 2004). Given the known influence of misconceptions in learning, it is essential to explore how misconceptions emerge during the teacher learning process. Previous studies on teacher training for functional behavioral assessments and function-based interventions have focused on training effectiveness, but the challenges and misconceptions during this process remain unclear. Thus, this study explored the challenges faced by and misconceptions of in-service teachers when conducting functional behavioral assessments and developing function-based interventions for live cases. Methods: Participants were teachers from high schools, including special education schools. A total of 29 teachers attended the basic workshop, and 19 teachers continued on to the advanced workshop. The total durations of the basic and advanced workshops were 42 and 12 h, respectively. After two 6-h training sessions in the basic workshop, the participants were asked to apply the training content to live cases and discuss their application in five 6-h sessions. For the advanced workshop, the participants worked on new live cases and then discussed their application over three 4-h sessions. A total of 7 and 12 discussion records from the basic and advanced workshops, respectively, were collected between 2016 and 2018. Qualitative content analysis using an inductive approach (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005) was applied to analyze the discussion records of functional behavioral assessment training and function-based intervention development. All the discussion records were entered into NVivo12 software and were analyzed word by word. The authors applied open coding to the first six discussion records to create preliminary codes; the definition of each code was recorded into a coding manual. The remaining discussion records were coded, and emergent codes were added to the coding manual. These codes were sorted into the categories of "challenges," "misconceptions," and "other," depending on similarity. "Challenges" represented the experiences of teachers with theoretical knowledge who had difficulty implementing the relevant strategies. "Misconceptions" referred to the inaccurate or unvalidated concepts that teachers held. The Cohen's kappa coefficient was .870. Results/Findings: The challenges that teachers faced during the basic workshop included a lack of objective and specific information of the antecedent-behavior-consequence description, a need for basic interview skills to support the data collection process, and unclear understanding regarding the meaning of interview questions. The challenges that teachers encountered during the advanced workshop were difficulties gathering information and focusing on stakeholders during interviews, limited time, and difficulties setting short-term to long-term goals. Among the various challenges that teachers experienced during their basic and advanced workshops, several common challenges were identified; they were a lack of skill for operationalizing behavioral definitions, an inability to view behaviors with the same function as one response class, a lack of multiple perspectives on the clarification of behavioral function, an inability to develop intervention strategies based on function, the overlooking of antecedent strategies, and a difficulty in putting theory into practice or connecting practice to theory. Furthermore, the teachers held several misconceptions (1) They expected to have a specified number of times for behavior observation as well as a standard time frame for short-term and long-term goal setting. (2) They thought that informing students of appropriate behaviors constituted sufficient behavioral instruction and misunderstood the meaning of some intervention strategies. (3) They misunderstood the meaning of some behavioral principles, such as differential reinforcement, extinction, response cost, and time out. Conclusions/Implications: The results revealed that the teachers faced challenges in either acquiring or applying the core and related skills for functional behavioral assessments, function-based interventions, and other task and learning areas. The teachers held more misconceptions concerning the development of function-based interventions than concerning the performance of functional behavioral assessments. Several implications for future research were discussed. First, studies of the facilitators and barriers to conducting functional behavioral assessments and developing function-based interventions are required. Second, future research must examine whether refutational teaching can effectively correct in-service teachers' misconceptions about functional assessment and behavioral principles. Third, additional studies of in-service teacher training that include teachers from elementary and junior high schools are necessary. According to the challenges of in-service teachers observed in the basic and advanced workshops, professional training must focus not only on the core skills required for functional behavioral assessments and function-based interventions but also on related skills in these and other areas. In addition to direct instruction, training methods can provide multiple examples for teachers' practical development and incorporate performance feedback. On-site coaching with school teams can be considered as a method for assisting teachers in applying the knowledge and skills that they have learned to live cases and in delivering effective function-based interventions for students with special needs. Furthermore, school-based professionals, including general education teachers and administrators, can also be trained in the basic concepts of behavioral function and behavioral principles to ensure they have the appropriate attitude for coping with challenging behaviors and have the appropriate skills for collecting data and implementing strategies. This study has two notable limitations. First, discussion record data were the sole data type employed. Second, only high school teachers participated in this study; thus, caution is advised when applying the results of this study in elementary and junior high school settings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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