Social work originally was stemmed from Western world and the knowledge base was also derived from the understanding and research of the Westerners. Due to the lack of understanding and research of Taiwanese people, Western theories are employed in social work education in Taiwan for years, including the knowledge of human growth and development. The links between social work knowledge and social work practice are often questioned by social work practitioners in Taiwan. To date, gender, race/ethnicity/culture, and social class become important lenses in understanding people. Therefore, Western theories should not be the bibles of social work education around the world. This study aims to explore the gender identity characteristics of Taiwanese young women, especially the case of non-college educated young women. As a result, the findings expand the understanding of women.A grounded theory research method was employed. In-depth interviews were adopted to collect data. Data collection stopped when the findings had reached the point of saturation. Twenty Taiwanese young women, aged 19 to 21, were interviewed. Open coding, axial coding, and selective coding were adopted to analyze data. Comparing the results to literature and peer debriefing served the purpose of validating the findings.The findings revealed that young Taiwanese women in this study are in compliance with some traditional prescribed norms, for example the duty of eldest daughters in the family. They resisted the prescribed norms that women should put others' needs before their own needs and sacrifice themselves. They also resisted the prescribed behavior norms for women. Young women in this study were aware that women are still disadvantaged and powerless in man-woman relationship, then, self-sufficiency becomes the means they adopted to locate power in the relationships. Helping men save faces is still prevalent in Taiwan, therefore, they complied with this prescribed norm in public and adopted a different strategy in private. Given the awareness that women are still powerless, young women in this study picture their future as self-sufficiency, thus, it brings them with choices and freedom.Implications for social work education and social work practice are addressed. The findings expand the understanding of women and can be included in the teaching materials for human growth and development. The findings also suggest that the focus of empowerment for women should be shifted to social and political levels in Taiwan.
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