


The Life Situations of Female-Headed Families




彭淑華(Su-Hwa Pong)


單親家庭 ; 單親母親 ; 女性為戶長單親家庭 ; 生活處境 ; single parent families ; single mother ; female-headed families ; life situation




14期(2006 / 06 / 01)


25 - 62




在婦女及家庭的相關議題中,女性為戶長的單親家庭一直是關注的主要焦點之一。雖然台灣女性單親家庭比例相較已開發國家來得低,然而由於女性為戶長之單親家庭貧窮化現象以及伴隨著單親生活而有的兒童照顧、社會人際關係改變及情緒適應、社會烙印等議題,使得女性單親仍然是需要被關注的一群。 當單親家庭已逐漸成為台灣社會的主要家庭結構之一,同時政府及民間愈來愈多資源投入到單親家庭中,特別是女性為戶長之單親家庭,是否女性單親家庭之生活處境已獲得改善?女性單親家庭如何詮釋她們的真實生活處境?這些都值得更深入的探討。故本論文即以女性單親家長為主軸,檢視其生活處境以及相關政策與服務之回應。 本研究以焦點團體訪談法為主,共計20位女性單親參與。研究共提出包括經濟不安全或匱乏、子女教養負荷大與維護親子關係的不易、社會人際關係改變、社會歧視與偏見、缺乏人身安全成、身心飽受煎熬、住宅選擇與安排受限、缺乏法律權益的知識等八個面向上的生活處境。文末則針對前項發現,提出相關之建議,包括整體價值理念的重塑與澄清、非正式支持團體協助功能的加強及發揮正式支持系統的協助功能,以積極營造一個友善女性單親家庭之環境。


The prevalence of single parent families and its impacts on parents themselves and their children are concerned by policy makers and practitioners. From the perspectives of the Taiwanese culture, married women are like the spilt water, belong to the families they are married. When the status of married women changed, how female single parents has experienced the process of becoming a single parent? What kinds of life situations they are encountered? In order to reach the above goals, the researcher used focus group method to collect the data. The subjective interpretations of 20 female single parents are explored. Two male single parents and 27 social service providers are also interviewed to formulate the complete pictures of life situations of female-headed households. Results indicated female single parents experienced multi-faced life dimensions. Some implications are discussed to reshape and modify the value system towards single parent families. Self-help groups can be motivated and supported to provide emotional and other essential assistances. A coordinated social service delivery to help these women in need is also the future orientation.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 法律學
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