


To Compare the Differences among Psychosocial Approach, Ecological Perspective and Empowerment Perspective-How to Interpretate "Person-in-Environment"




曾華源(Hua-Yuan Tseng);黃俐婷(Li-Ting Huang)


人在情境中 ; 人在環境中 ; 心理暨社會派 ; 生態系統觀 ; 增強權能觀 ; Person-in-Situation ; Person-in-Environment ; Psychosocial Approach ; Ecological Perspective ; Empowerment Perspective




14期(2006 / 06 / 01)


63 - 89




社會工作向來重視「人在情境中」,個人與社會之間能夠有良好的互動關係以發揮個人的社會功能,成為社會工作的主要目的與核心觀點。「人在情境中」亦在不同的理論觀點當中有其特有的詮釋,在社會工作之理論觀點當中,心理暨社會派、生態系統觀皆有提到「人在情境中」(person-in-situation)或「人在環境中」(person-in-environment)的關鍵概念,同時,心理暨社會派、生態系統觀以及增強權能觀分別可以代表微視、居間與鉅視層次的理論觀點,因此,本文乃以所謂「人與情境中」的形貌(person-situation configuration),即以人的面向、情境面向與人與情境的交互關係面向來作對應性的比較,最後並針對此三大理論觀點提出實務意涵,切入的角度包括其一、以三大觀點易於產生的迷思來看。其二、以理論與實務的關係而論。其三、「人在江湖、身不由己」vs「山不轉路轉,路不轉人轉」vs「人定勝天」。


The profession of social work has put much emphasis on ”Person-in-Environment”. The better interactive relationship between persons and social environment to develop personal social function becomes the main purpose and core perspective. ”Person-in-Environment” has its unique interpretation among different perspectives. Among social work theories, psychosocial approach and ecological perspective both refer to the ”Person-in-Situation” or ”Person-in-Environment”. Besides, psychosocial approach、ecological perspective and empowerment perspective each represent the micro, meso and macro perspective; therefore, the study will compare one another according to the person, the situation and the person-situation interactive relationship. In the end, the study will present three practical implications, including the confusing perspectives, the discussion of the relationship between person and environment, and the relationship between theory and practice.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 法律學
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