


Protection or Control?-An Analysis of Workers' Views on Youth Residential Placement




彭淑華(Su-Hwa Pong)


少年福利 ; 機構安置 ; 家外安置 ; 增權 ; youth welfare ; residential placement ; out-of-home placement ; empowerment




15期(2006 / 12 / 01)


1 - 36




少年安置機構主要為提供12歲至未滿18歲少年,二十四小時全年無休之生活照顧及相關輔導服務之福利機構。在不同的法源依據、問題類型及安置特質之下,少年安置機構較育幼機構之作法更趨封閉與強制性。本文主要研究目的為探討少年安置機構工作人員如何看待安置少年,以及對安置少年的相關管理措施。為達上述目的,研究者深度訪談了29家少年安置機構,共55位工作人員。 研究結果發現,機構工作人員認為安置少年的問題多元且複雜,包括覺得少年心性不定、情緒不穩、情感依附及性需求高、衝突及暴力不斷、偷竊及逃跑防不勝防、而身體狀況及整體學習理解能力不佳等,機構生活上的管理包括個人物品、服裝、放假、頭髮、就學、寢室、通訊、媒體資訊及零用金等管理,而違反機構相關規定的處罰方式包括禁假、禁止會客、搜身、剪頭髮、扣零用金及隔離等,雖然少年安置機構是以福利為主體,但資料的呈現卻顯示少年安置機構名為「保護」,卻往「權控」的那端傾斜,未來應加強工作人員增權的觀點與處置作法,機構經營者亦應體認照顧工作之不易,而在人力及相關福祉加以支持,營造一個有利少年之安置環境。


Youth residential placements provide 24-hour care and social services to young people, most of whom are referred from social affair departments locally. The aims of this paper are designed to explore how residential workers perceive their attitudes toward the youths and how they manage their regulations in the youth residential placements. In order to achieve above goal, the researcher interview 29 youth residential placements. Fifty-five participants gave their consent qualitatively expressing their experiences and viewpoints. Results indicated that the problems of the youths are multifaceted. The informants pointed that the youths are instable, strong attachment and sexual needs, violent, stealing and running away, bad conditions of health and learning abilities, etc. The regulations of the agencies are strict. The rights and needs of the youths are ignored to assure the convenience and short-term effectiveness of the management. The long-term performance is frequently sacrificed during the service delivery system. Punitive nature rather than helping process are manifestly existed in the youth residential agencies. Some implications of residential care are discussed to develop some constructive interventions for the troubled youth.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 法律學
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