The family plays a crucial role in the development of young children with special needs. The family conditions and parents' capabilities determine the effectiveness of early intervention services. Reflecting the importance of family, early intervention is considered as an array of family-centered services, and is evaluated based on the concept of family quality of life. Thus, the main purposes of this study were to explore the structures of family quality of life of families with young children with special needs in Taiwan, and to investigate the significant variables influencing family quality of life. Survey was used for data collection. A total of 397 families of young children with special needs participated in the study. After factor analysis, three domains were identified as family interaction and psychological well-being, family productivity, and family living environment. Health condition of the special children, educational level of mothers, family social-economic status, family income level, family financial status, and receiving case management services significantly influenced family quality of life. Conclusion was made with recommendations to improve early intervention services.
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