This research is aimed at exploring the connection of the issues between disability and aging. Next to a review of literature, an exploratory sampling survey of 202 disabled adults in Taipei City was conducted in order to delineate their aging phenomena. Moreover, the research intends to provide suggestions on policy and research about those who are aging with disabilities in Taiwan.
According to the examination of literature and official statistics, the features of disabled people and elderly people are becoming closer, as the number of disabled elderly has grown swiftly since 30 years ago. Nevertheless, the population of disabled elderly may contain two sub-populations: the one is those who are aging with disabilities, and the other is those who becoming disabled due to diseases or senescence in their later life. Both groups have different self-identity and disability experiences, and this difference has to be borne in mind by welfare providers and policy makers.
According to the sampling survey and its comparison with the Living-Status Survey of the Elderly in 2000, key research findings are drawn as follows. First, disabled adults did experience early biological and social aging; however, they did not regard themselves as elders and showed normal status to mildly depressed according to Geriatric Depression Scale. Second, disabled adults with different disability categories, degree of disability, and onset of disability aged variously in terms of the results of statistical tests. But, the demographic character of sex generated no significant difference in aging phenomena. Third, compared to the official elderly age set at 65, the elderly age for aging disabled persons could be advanced to some extent, in order to receive elderly-related welfare services and social insurance benefits.
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