


The Gap between Norms and Execution: Exploring the Actions and Predicaments of Sexual Harassment Prevention Professional Committee


曾孆瑾(Ying-Chin Tseng);古允文(Yeun-Wen Ku)


性騷擾 ; 性騷擾防治法 ; 性騷擾防治委員會 ; sexual harassment ; sexual harassment prevention act ; sexual harassment prevention committee




26期(2014 / 06 / 01)


1 - 46






The tasks of Sexual Harassment Prevention Committee are set in the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act. The biggest difference from other committees is not only giving consultations and suggestions in the meetings but also increasing its function of grievance investigation and Mediation. How do the exterior members explain their roles and missions based on their professional knowledge and experiences? How do they explain the differences between normative and actual tasks in Sexual Harassment Prevention Committee? The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of the members' interpretations of sexual harassment, including their tasks, their actual context and difficult. This study interviewed 14 members of Sexual Harassment Prevention Committee from 7 counties in Taiwan and finds three gaps, such as specific sexual harassment evidences, subjective interpretations of committee tasks, and behaviors base on attitude of administrative institution. This paper also provides four suggestions to rethinking Sexual Harassment Prevention Committee. First, the sexual harassment prevention committee should be independent in order to consider the questions of sexual harassment completely. Secondly, the more emphasis should be put on the sexual harassment theme. Thirdly, the committee's members should get more information and reeducation about their missions. Finally, promote the members to access and assist in some programs what are related to their professions.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 法律學
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