


The Study of Working for Family Tax Credits in New Zealand


顏淑韻(Shu-Yun Yen);鄭清霞(Ching-Hsia Cheng)


育兒就業家庭稅額抵減 ; 工作誘因 ; 兒童貧窮 ; working for family Tax Credit ; working incentive ; children poverty




26期(2014 / 06 / 01)


77 - 109






In order to relieve the poverty of low-income families with dependent children and promote their working motivation, the New Zealand government has introduced the policy of ’Working for Families Tax Credits’ in recent years. This paper uses the method of literature review to explore the transformation of the social assistance policies for low-income families with dependent children, and also to understand both positive and negative effect of the policy of ’Working for Families Tax Credits’ in New Zealand. This study finds out that the child poverty rate and the gap of poverty was decreasing after government introduces the policy. Besides, the policy has increased the work incentives for the sole-parent households, but most of them are doing part time works. Furthermore, the policy also has opportunity for two-income household change to one-income household. If Taiwan plans to implement "Tax Credit policy, the following issues should be taken consideration: (1) To target the working families with dependent children as main purpose; (2) Referring to ’The Minimum Family Tax Credit’, to ensure the working families with dependent children to earn minimum annual income after tax.; (3) occupational consulting servieces and child care system for sole parent should be improving, makes sole parent are able to return full time work.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 法律學
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