Given the public insensitivity and wrong perceptions of mental health in Taiwan, people easily miss the best timing for early detections of mental illness. Once they did become the psychiatric outpatients, what was the psychiatrist-patient interaction like? Would they be informed of the diagnosis? Through in-depth interviewing five psychiatrists at a medical center in the northern Taiwan, the following findings emerged: most new clients actually had been suffered with symptoms for a while. Based on the patients' capability to deal with life events, to describe their own circumstances, and information provided by the accompanying family members, the experienced psychiatrists came up with the symptom assessment. Mainly addressing consultations to the patients without neglecting their family members in the process, the psychiatrist required patients' compliance and shifted the responsibility from the family members. As to some common questions asked, such as "Why these symptoms? How to fix it? How long to recover?", the psychiatrists attributed the patients' symptoms to some brain etiology, and then prescribed for symptom control. And chronic illness was given as an example to long-term treatment. No diagnostic disclosure without trusting relationship, the psychiatrists dealt with the patients' symptoms first. At the first encounter of the patients, according to the interviewed psychiatrists, attentions should be given to the following aspects: respecting the subjectivity of the patient, building trusting relationship with empathy, mediating the tension between the patient and their family members, no need to release too much information about prognosis, but hope-inspiring, providing incentives for the patients' follow-up visits. The interviewed psychiatrists have no comments to the traditional Chinese medicine, as long as the patients still followed their prescriptions. It was concluded with the implication for psychiatric social work and recommendations for psychiatrists' training needs and referral services.
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