


Understanding Factors Affecting Homecare Workers' Job Retention Willingness


謝美娥(Mei-O Hsieh)


居家照顧服務員 ; 工作意義 ; 工作條件 ; 留任意願 ; homecare workers ; work meaning ; work conditions ; job retention




33期(2017 / 12 / 01)


27 - 62






This study tries to investigate homecare service workers who are willing to retain in the workforce. Purpose: The purpose of the study are as follows: to understand homecare workers' viewpoints of the work meaning and work conditions, to investigate the relationship of important personal characteristics, the work meaning, and work conditions as well as the job retention, and to predict the factors which may affect the job retention. Method: Homecare service agencies in Taipei City and New Taipei City are the population. We purposefully select the five larger agencies in each city. The homecare supervisors handed out the self-reported questionnaires and then collected in their training session. Finally, 308 valid data were collected. The response rate is 88%. Results: The findings show that if the workers commit into the work and receive high recognition and assertion, identify with the work professionalism, feel competent, have clear work-setting boundary, have supervisor's assistance and support, have stable and adequate wage, will have higher willingness of job retention. The total variance of the stepwise regression is 37.2%. It is a moderate level in social research. In addition to stepwise regression, hierarchical regression can demonstrate different effects of 3- set independent variables. The significant factors are similar to the former four factors in stepwise regression. The total variance of the hierarchical regression is 36.8%. Conclusion: Effective retention strategies may provide fruitful personnel and workers with efficacy. It is an important method to stabilize the workforce of homecare service.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 法律學
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