


Exploring the Core Competencies of Suicide Prevention Case Managers in Taiwan: Perspectives from Practitioners


陳冠伶(Kuan-Ling Chen);胡中宜(Chung-Yi Hu)


關懷訪視員 ; 核心能力 ; 自殺防治 ; 個案管理 ; case managers ; core competencies ; suicide prevention ; case management




38期(2020 / 06 / 01)


19 - 52






Case managers of suicide prevention received psychology, nursing, or social work degree in Taiwan. This research used in-depth interview method to collect 10 practical workers and to provide the suggestion for their orientation training and on-the-job training. There was divided into three sections of this research, Firstly, there are 3 types of core competencies of suicide prevention case managers, including knowledge, skills, and attitude. The ability of knowledge includes knowledge of client, social resource, and suicide prevention. The ability of skills includes the ability of culture, evaluation and intervention. The ability of attitude includes positive and flexible, steady and calm, acceptance and understanding. Recommendations are as follows: 1. Build the national core competencies of suicide prevention case managers in Taiwan. 2. Design the training of suicide prevention case managers based on core competencies. 3. Add the curriculum of core competencies about suicide prevention case managers in related departments of university. 4. Develop ethic codes of suicide prevention case managers.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 法律學
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