


Lokah! Empowering Indigenous Women in Participating in a Domestic Violence Prevention Primary Project in a Tribe: Practices and Reflections


王翊涵(Yi-han, Wang)


原住民族婦女培力 ; 泰雅族婦女 ; 家暴防治初級預防 ; 部落家暴 ; 行動研究 ; indigenous women empowerment ; Atayal women ; domestic violence primary prevention ; domestic violence in tribes ; Action Research




39期(2020 / 12 / 01)


1 - 37






The occurrence of domestic violence in Taiwanese indigenous peoples is closely related to their colonial history. Furthermore, the tribes' gender culture and power structure may rationalize the occurrence of domestic violence and could stop victims from seeking help. Because of the concern of domestic violence problems in indigenous tribes which should be intervened in primary prevention stage, "Lokah program"- a kind of program of empowering 10 Atayal women to participate in a domestic violence primary prevention work in a tribe in middle Taiwan-was undertaken. Using an Action Research approach, this paper explored the experiences of practicing "Lokah program". It is found that to empower these indigenous women, some interventions should be embraced, such as accepting the women's definition of domestic violence in tribes, respecting their religious belief, engaging them in a decision-making power of naming, enhancing their motivations, encouraging them to draw anti-domestic violence posters, supporting their decision of having uniform, and involving them in a continuously dialogue process. Participating in "Lokah program", these Atayal women found their capabilities were promoted, including: having contributions to their tribe, becoming the domestic violence prevention resource linker, expanding interpersonal network, setting themselves as an anti-domestic violence example, and having positive thinking on the ability to make change. This paper concluded with some reflections on the practices of "Lokah program".

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 法律學
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