


Dilemma and coping strategies of social workers in day care centers for elderly


顏和平(Yan-He Ping);張李淑女(Shu-Nu Chang-Lee)


日間照顧 ; 老人社會工作 ; 長期照顧社會工作 ; day care ; social work for elderly ; social work for long-term care




44期(2023 / 06 / 01)


1 - 36






Taiwan has become an aged society with its ever-increasing older population. In response to the call for aging in place, which is recognized worldwide as the goal for long-term care, Taiwan has vigorously promoted community care services. As a result, the number of adult day care centres in Taiwan grows rapidly, but the problem of high turnover among social workers employed for long-turn care services has also surfaced. Furthermore, social workers find their role and position in adult day care centres ambiguous due to lack of guidelines in current legislation. Therefore, the development of the social worker workforce warrants further investigation. This study adopted a qualitative study design and conducted in-depth semistructured interviews with 12 managers and social workers working in adult day care centres. The views of the participants were analysed to identify the problems faced by social workers in day care centres and to propose solutions accordingly. This study identified the following problems: (1) social workers lack the mentality of a care provider, which prevents them from effectively exercising their expertise; (2) the profession of social worker is ill-understood by their managers and the organisations they work for; and (3) limitations imposed by laws and regulations. To address these problems, the following solutions were proposed: (1) social workers must engage in self-empowerment; (2) social workers must seek recognition and support from their managers and teams; and (3) day care centres must implement comprehensive organisational policies for social workers. The research findings of this study may provide reference and guidance for policies regarding the role of social workers in adult day care centres, the work of clinical professionals, and the direction for future studies.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 法律學
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