


A Study of Financial Planners' Management Education and Financial Training Importance Recognition and Needs: Financial Holding Companies Lead by Insurance Industries as an Example




王祐君(Yu-chun Wang);陳信憲(Bryan H. Chen)


管理教育 ; 財金訓練 ; 金融控股公司 ; 理財規劃師 ; management education ; financial training ; financial holding company ; financial planner




4卷1期(2004 / 03 / 01)


71 - 102




台灣為因應國際化趨勢及提升金融競爭力而有金融控股公司之成立,本研究即針對其人才培訓方面的問題進行探討。本研究主要在探求以保險業為主軸之金融控股公司中的理財規劃師,對於管理教育和財金訓練的重要性認知以及其需求,並期能提供理財規劃師教育訓練設計、施行之參考。 本研究採行問卷調查法,將問卷回函結果利用統計學之敘述性統計(Descriptive Statistics)、獨立樣本t檢定(Independent t-test)、單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)、複選題分析(Multiple Response Analysis)、集群分析(Cluster Analysis)等方法加以解釋,據以作成本研究之結論與建議。 經本研究結果發現:目前理財規劃師對於管理教育與財金訓練重要性認知,會隨著個人背景變項而有所不同,因而金融控股公司在設計教育訓練課程時,可以將這些背景變項納入考量。此外,在對管理教育與財金訓練之需求上,也因為背景變項之不同而有不同,例如:年齡、主修科系、服務年資等,因此,如何針對不同對象設計不同教育訓練課程,亦是未來金融控股公司所需努力的方向。此外,目前理財規劃師仍以服務公司或分公司所提供的訓練或課程以及單位外聘講師所教授的訓練或課程為主要考量,此點可供未來公司在安排講師及下放辦理教育訓練時之參考。至於理財規劃師所需要增強之能力則涵蓋一般與專業能力兩大方面,其中以行銷能力(包括商品銷售、自我行銷、提升自我形象等)為最重要,其次,其他相關專業能力與金融革新後因應之能力亦可考慮列入教育訓練設計之內容。


After Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization, it should become more internationalization. To promote Taiwan's financial competitive ability, the government of Taiwan permitted financial industry to establish financial holding companies. However, there are so many kinds of problems about the operation of financial holding companies. Thus, the motivation of this study was to investigate the needs of education and training in financial holding companies. In this study, the researcher chose financial planners working in financial holding companies lead by insurance industries as research samples. The purpose of this study was to find the financial planners' management education and financial training importance recognition and needs. The results of this study provided financial holding companies some ideas regarding designing their education and training courses. The researcher used the self-made ”Financial Planners' Management Education and Financial Training Importance Recognition and Needs Questionnaire” as the survey tool in this study. After pre-testing and validity testing, the researcher used stratified random sampling and a statistics equation to calculate the appropriate numbers of research samples. The statistics methods used in this study, including Descriptive Statistics, Independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, Multiple Response Analysis, and Cluster Analysis. The main findings of this study are as following. First, financial planners' importance recognition are different based on their demographic data. Second, financial planners viewed their companies and branches as a main provider of their training courses. Meanwhile, they prefer an outside instructor rather than an in-house one. Finally, financial planners also intended to improve their general and professional competencies. Among all of the competencies, marketing is the most important one. As far as the other professional competencies are concerned, financial renovation is also important.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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