
How to Win the War for Talent? Case Study in Biotech Related Industries of UK






周靜頤(Ching-Yi Chou);陳冠浤(Guan-Hong Chen)


人才爭奪戰 ; 人力資源管理 ; 生物科技產業 ; 英國 ; War for talent ; Human Resource Management ; Biotech Industry ; UK




4卷4期(2004 / 12 / 01)


131 - 154




高素質科技人才的取得與維持對許多企業而言是保持競爭優勢的關鍵因素,特別是高度知識及技術密集的產業。相對於資金、土地、廠房等有形的資產,高科技人才的專業知識與研究創新能力將更顯得珍貴,然而高素質人才的數量有限,在供不應求的人才市場中,如何在人才的爭奪戰中獲勝,便成了非常重要策略議題。本研究起源於一場英文生物科技公司的訪談,該企業面臨難以吸引及留住擁有博士學位並具數年實務經驗的科學家,而,對其在業界的競爭力造成傷害,而委託作者協助調查英國科學家人才市場的供需情形,並瞭解其它同類型企業在人才短缺及因應的作法,以作為參考之用。本研究採用訪談法,以英國生技相關產業為對象,研究了Smith & Nephew、Nycomed-Amersham、Amgen、Murex Biotech、Alkermes Europe等五家企業,除了分析各企業在取得及維持高級人力資源所遭遇到的問題外,亦針對企業特性、人才招募、維持、績效評估等策略,及所遭遇的困難等構面進行跨企業的比較。最後研究結果發現,整體人才的供給是足夠的,但由於每一家企業都想招募最優秀的人才,有限的高學經歷人才無法滿足需求,企業欲獲得優秀人才青睞,除了優渥的薪資福利外,工作挑戰性及自由度亦是重要的關鍵因素;另外研究亦發現,最優秀的人才不見得是最適合的,除了專業能力外,團隊合作的人際技巧亦是實務上順利達成任務所不可或缺的。


The recruitment and retention of highly talented scientists has become a significant concern for many companies, especially for those whose principal assets consist of talented employees and their knowledge, rather than the tangible assets of cash, buildings or materials. The competition for good professionals has become more intense as companies have become aware that other companies may be wooing their valuable scientists. This research stemmed from a problem with one of the interviewed firms, which highlighted that it was getting more difficult to attract and retain highly talented scientists with Ph.D. degrees and a few years of experience. Thus, this research considers the scientists' labor market in the first instance and identifies whether there is a shortage of highly talented scientists in UK. Then secondly the recruitment and retention practices in companies are examined carefully. The author interviewed five companies in biotech related industry: Smith & Nephew、Nycomed-Amersham、Amgen、Murex Biotech、Alkermes Europe. It was found that there is no shortage in the numbers of scientists who are freshly graduated from higher education and with two or three years of working experience in the labor markets. However, as the better and more experienced scientists become fewer in numbers, firms find it difficult to fill senior positions. This phenomenon is partly due to the fact that all the interviewed firms wanted to recruit the 'best' postgraduate scientists, with the academic background and social skills to assist in the firms' growth and to contribute to their success.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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