


Employees' Reactive Strategy to Downsizing: A Stakeholders Perspective




黃英忠(Ing-Chung Huang);蔡正飛(Philip C. F. Tsai)


人力精簡 ; 利害關係人 ; 社會網絡 ; 社會資本 ; Downsizing ; Stakeholders ; Social network ; Social capital




5卷1期(2005 / 03 / 01)


111 - 134




人員精簡一直是企業經常使用的人力資源管理策略,可是它會給員工、員工家庭及社會帶來傷害與衝擊。因此,員工必然會為保護其權益而採取因應的策略與行動。本研究是從利害關係人理論觀點,以台灣17家企業個案作為研究對象,來探索員工如何連結企業外部利害關係人力量,來因應企業人力精簡的策略。 本研究發現:多數的員工會使用外部的社會資源來因應企業的人力精簡;並且與外部利害關係人的連結會呈現複合與多樣的模式;而連結情形與社會網絡的中心性有關;只是企業精簡的正當性與對員工才能的依賴性,卻是影響員工因應力量之大小的關鍵因素。而有工會組織的員工還是比較能替員工爭取到更多的福祉;跨國企業的合資公司較會遵循當地現有的體制來處理人力課題。我們發展出一些命題,也提出對學術研究與實務管理的意涵。


Downsizing is a prevailing human resource management strategy for firms to cope with strong competition. And downsizing always harm employees and their families, even the society. From stakeholder and social network theory perspectives, this article explores that during a downsizing what reactive strategy will be developed and taken by employees through using resources from their own and outside stakeholders. Through the investigation and analysis from 17 companies in Taiwan, we found that: (1) most employees will try to use social capital to influence firm's downsizing strategy. (2) the connections among employees and outside stakeholders are in multiple and complicate ways, and these connections were influenced by the centrality of the social networks. (3) resource dependence and legitimacy are two key determinants for the coping strategy. (4) labor unions contribute for protecting employees' well-being. (5) coping strategies used by both firms and employees did not showed significant difference among local and foreign invested companies. Some propositions were developed and implication for both theoretical research and practical application were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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