


Analysis Report of the Users' Inclination and Satisfaction Survey on Journal of Human Resource Management




何金銘(Chin-Ming Ho)


人力資源管理學報 ; 滿意度調查 ; 台灣社會科學引文索引 ; Journal of Human Resource Management ; survey of satisfaction ; TSSCI




5卷4期(2005 / 12 / 01)


1 - 33




人力資源管理學報編輯部於今年六月,向本刊讀者、投稿人與審稿人進行「人力資源管理學報使用者意向及滿意度」調查,共發出問卷584份,回收236份,回應者中具讀者身份者計219名,具投稿人身份者計125名,具審稿人身份者計78名。 調查結果顯示:本刊讀者對本刊各項內容,七成以上表示滿意,兩成左右表示沒意見,只有不到一成的讀者表示不滿意;在投稿人服務方面,六成左右的投稿人對本刊各項稿件處理作業感到滿意,二或三成表示沒意見,一或兩成表示不滿意;在審稿人服務方面,六成以上審稿人對本刊的審查作業流程及審稿費用表示滿意,二或三成表示沒意見,只有不到一成的審稿人表示不滿意。另投稿人針對本刊與2004年TSSCI七個管理類期刊(含正式與觀察名單)未來投稿的優先考慮順序進行評比,結果本刊在這八個期刊中排名第三;審稿人也針對本刊與2004年TSSCI七個管理類期刊的論文品質優先順序進行評比,結果本刊在這八個期刊中排名第五。


This June, the editorial office of Journal of Human Resource Management (JHRM) conducted ”the users' inclination and satisfaction survey on JHRM” to all the readers, contributors, and reviewers. The number of the questionnaires released is 584, and the returned is 236, respondents' statuses include readers (219 people), contributors (125 people), and reviewers (78 people). The result shows 70% of this journal's readers are satisfied with its contents, 20% have no comments, and fewer than 10% of the readers are not satisfied with the contents. In the aspect of the contributor's service, about 60% of the contributors are satisfied with the working processes of the papers submitted to our office, 20% to 30% of the contributors have no comments, 10% to 20% of the contributors are not satisfied with the processes. In the aspect of the reviewer's service, more than 60% of the reviewers are satisfied with the paper reviewing processes and the stipends, 20% to 30% of the reviewers have no comments, and fewer than 10% of the reviewers are not satisfied with the processes and stipends. In addition, the contributors were asked to rank the priorities of the eight management journals (including 2004 TSSCI formal list and under-observation list) that they would like to submit papers in the future. Result shows that JHRM is ranked No.3 in the eight journals. Also, the reviewers were asked to grade the quality of these eight management journals, and JHRM is ranked No.5 in the eight journals.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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